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  1. N

    Beautiful Games

    i played for my "come back to us trial" and i think that might be an exageration :D its more like, hmm, i wonder if there is anyone else down there... :D guild wars, for a game with v low sys specs, is v pretty, again on the mountains especially.
  2. N

    Whats the most amount of hours you've played any game for?

    my guild wars says 145 hours. I put way more hours into SWG. Pokemnon across alvarietes easly 200+, 80 on each or so. then theres champisonship manager...
  3. N

    Favourite Non-Final Fantasy RPG?

    Zelda, any of them, awesome. But to stop the echo's... Shen Mue. This game rocked (for me) so much. If yu ever wanted to be tha characterits shen mue that let you. You were immersed into a living world, a world where you could (altho not really) essentially do what you wanted. I can't...
  4. N

    New RPG up for grabs

    Did you try game first, only to realise there treasure Chest only contained some gold, a map or a compass, putting all you effort to waste?
  5. N


    Hello! :D i have a tendancy to avoid doing an intro thread, but i figure i will. i'm male, 21, games artist. i've spoken to some of you on irc already, and i thankyou for making me so welcome :) Can't think of anything say really, so ahoyhoy, and look forward to posting on this forum :)