we always get stuff last. its cos we arn't the biggest market in the world. its the same with american tv programs coming over here months later.
UK isn't this big world leader it once was.
ne one watched the second episode of season 3 yet. kate looked damn fine in tht dress. do you think jack will co operate with the others.
i seriously thought sun was dead
cant wait til next week. we find out what happened to locke echo and desmond in the hatch. loved it
i dont know how you can like one console better than another. it isn't the console that you get the enjoyment out it is the games. so saying the psp is better than the ds is wrong. but saying a psp game is better than a ds game i can understand
Well it just shows how immature people can be. you dont see people bashing other members because they like cartooons. oh sorry anime. dont get me wrong i like anime but i could lay into them for liking it as its not the "in thing" to do now is it.
you sidestepped the question about elitism
well like you say you're not an elitist why did you say the same thing to me about wrestling
i was asking why there wasn't any on these forums. i arn't in the anime section of these forums am i. I just thought there may have been a few people on here that liked it as it is popular.
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