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  1. R


    Lol i was the allen walker walker cosplayer had the massive hand and no worries guys and gals ime not offended cause personally i think they came out really badly and tacky and observing some of the photoshop skills used on there internet ad i dread to think whats to come still you live and you...
  2. R

    New article: The UK DVD Market - Sorry, how much?!

    your not wrong about the manga i could hardly believe some of the prices at london expo 18 pounds for a sayiuki special art book that cost only 480 yen i mean come on thats thats gotta actually be stealing thats a dispraportianed price increase if ever i saw one :twisted:
  3. R


    :D glad to see so many fans ^ ^ gotta admit they are quite bad but as that allen walker d grayman cosplayer :P they did kinda box us in on what to say and by box i mean tell oh and ime not 20 yet damn it still a few months before i hit that milestone i can hardly bear to watch those Ads...