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  1. E

    Good luck with school tommorow!

    Ugh, went back to school today, now in year 10. After one day I'm really tired. x_x
  2. E

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Death Note vol. 1, 2 and 3 LoveCom vol. 1 & 2 :3
  3. E

    What manga are you reading now?

    Death Note Vol. 1-3 Bleach Vol. 10
  4. E

    Best. Fight. Ever.

    Rofl. I laughed so much when I watched that episode, I don't I've seen any other fight that's worse. XD;
  5. E

    Your viewing journal

    Lovely Complex 15-19. It's just so adorable. XD