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  1. Otaku-san

    Autumn 2016 Legal Anime Streaming Thread: The Sequel Season

    You misinterpreted friend! I was trying to exclaim it from an outsider's perspective. I had sent the show years before SENTAI decided to release it. Cult classic both in animation and acting. I'd love to see Steel Angel Kurumi for another release (plox RightStuf). The first season is pretty...
  2. Otaku-san

    What manga are you reading now?

    I've been pretty drawn into Boku no Hero lately, at chapter 93
  3. Otaku-san

    The General Conversation Area

    I forgot to mention this: I don't know dude but I'd certainly like to play ayase in this a Kinetic Novel back drop
  4. Otaku-san

    Clinton v Trump: Dawn of Presidency

    Well this discussion escalated from the president-elect to something more philosophical, not that I mind just interesting how it got to how AI decision making for humanity. Does any one recall of history how the farmers that harvested the fields reacted to the idea a machine could do it quicker...
  5. Otaku-san

    The General Conversation Area

    Has this become the buzzword for this board at the moment? "I was browsing through some heavy rock albums and this creepy guy came up and suggest I should listen to Whitesnake, boy I almost told him his privilege rights!" There's a Netflix working on that.... Rock and Crunchyroll ;)
  6. Otaku-san

    Your anime viewing journal

    she's not bad, but not the best of her earlier works. Though I guess that could be said of anyone starting out guess I ended up with different subs or memory decay
  7. Otaku-san

    Clinton v Trump: Dawn of Presidency

    Good, I might have to have hung you for treason otherwise :P (sorry I'm fruiting up the thread I know)
  8. Otaku-san

    Currency vs Brexit: GBP Losses

    No just trying to point out what it is and only is
  9. Otaku-san

    Good lord I remember Paul, he's still on MAL every now and then

    Good lord I remember Paul, he's still on MAL every now and then
  10. Otaku-san

    Hi o/

    It's all good, any slight opinion or info that you'd like to contribute is all fine
  11. Otaku-san

    The General Conversation Area

    Only if they're made of Teflon and well then they obviously don't see you as the same type of "fun"
  12. Otaku-san

    Your anime viewing journal

    Hope that's being watched subbed gesu~ I felt the dub made a too literal translation even for our main girl gesu~
  13. Otaku-san

    Hi o/

    Nice to get some fresh meat for the fire so placing out your twitter handler, do you do reviews or such? Got any top shows you have or enjoying this season?
  14. Otaku-san

    The General Conversation Area

    They're pretty to look at, but that's about it. At that age most of them just prefer to have fun. Have you tried venturing into getting a Dutch wife?
  15. Otaku-san

    Clinton v Trump: Dawn of Presidency

    I would have used far from perfect but then that might only be me..
  16. Otaku-san

    Currency vs Brexit: GBP Losses

    I highlighted the key point there for you guy Well that's highly convenient isn't it? considering gold was up, now it's plummeted yet the Dow has gone completely opposite
  17. Otaku-san

    Clinton v Trump: Dawn of Presidency

    Its very much doubtful, how ever funny Andrew Neil placed it. ISN'T IT FUNNY?
  18. Otaku-san


  19. Otaku-san

    Clinton v Trump: Dawn of Presidency

    Silly ayase don't you know its the old and uneducated that ruin things for us time after time
  20. Otaku-san

    Geeks, Otaku & Weeaboos: The language and range of fandom

    I'm geeking out at the geekabilities here Though as with Buzz and Smeelia I consider that Tumblr post a joke of itself. In one way to generically shun on something so insignificant, and the other on the poster themselves. Imagine if you didn't get the reference. Now the only one that's so...