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  1. S

    Favourite tenchi girl

    Sasami/Tsunami even for me... (Even if Tenchi Girl aren't the best girl in the anime circus...)
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    Sony PSP Released Sept 1st; are you getting one?

    But the PSP are all compatible? Or is similar to PS2 with games relocation?
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    Sony PSP Released Sept 1st; are you getting one?

    Really I look forward to PS3... There was tales in italy that we get only 7 pieces of stock in the biggest shop of Rome, a friend of mine had even sell his PS2 to get PSP (Even after buying Nintendo DS, but he is a very strange guy...) and I have the doubt about the space on cartdrige... I know...
  4. S

    MS Paint Pictures!

    OK I need to deintoxicate from Gundam... I think i'm the only one that when find "MS" read it as Mobile Suit... <.<'''
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    Intwodwuce him, Centuwion. Intwodwuce him vewy wuffly!

    Welcome to the forum... Good taste for the japan artist, even I feel to advise you to trying listening something of Yoko Kanno, Yuuki Kajura and T.M. Revolution...
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    Any Artists amoung us?

    I draw manga-styled images for my D&D and other RPG characters... By the other ways I write something, can I be considered an Artist? :P
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    My FFX Wallpaper...

    The appareance is pretty wonderful, but I'm thinking about the fact that the main images for Tidus and Yuna doesn't make them seem very smart... <.<''' By the way how is the game? I'm thinking about playing it...
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    Air TV

    I have seen all the series... A nice one...
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    MACROSS PLUS - Advice

    Yes I agree... If you like mecha should pick it... Is one of best chapter of the Macross saga...
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    Hi to you...
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    What Games Are You Playing?

    I get a little away from mecha games... (Really you can't imagine what a one can do in a japanese game when he don't understand japanese... <.<''') I'm get into the gore of Predator Concrete Jungle...
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    Gundam SEED Destiny

    I missed this topic for all this time... <.<''' As you can recognize I love the CE Gundam Universe... I find it more realistic than other Gundam Series, more coerent... About Shinn, well I find it a pretty character... (Even I choose it for nick/avatar for different reason...) For Stellar I...
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    Hello :D

    Hi to you... Welcome to the forum...
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    Hello there everyone

    Welcome to the forums...
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    Ask our reporter in Japan!

    I don't know for UK ones, but I think that organization of japan schools is a lot better than italian ones... <.<''
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    What Games Are You Playing?

    Still playing Gundam and generic mecha games for PS2... In this days, I'm forcing to play the Zeonic campaign in Gundam: Federation vs Zeon, to unlock the special campaign mode... Sometimes a game of Tekken 5 and I'm mumbling about get Xenosaga or Final Fantasy X to play an RPG...
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    Hi there

    Welcome to you all...
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    Pleasure to meet you all

    Hi to you...
  19. S

    Demonj007 has arrived!

    Welcome to the forums...