Search results

  1. V

    Hi :D

    whats a roy o_o is that bad
  2. V

    Should porn addicts and manga fans get special Bibles? - BBC

    holy (%**)#@& i want a copy of the manga one and the lego one :]
  3. V

    Maple Story Europe

    [i am soooo sorry if this has already been done but have you seen how many threads there are on this here..i'am so not going through all of them just to check] Anyone here play MapleEurope!? what do you think of it? like or hate? fyi we should be getting Pirate job soon because its now...
  4. V

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Bride Of Chucky - 8/10 as much as i adore the chucky films the final 2 of 'em(bride and seed) take abit longer to get into to, more talking so a longer time to wait for someone to die, but it has funny parts and jeneffer tilly...*meow*
  5. V

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer

    all i care about is that ...wolverine.. i would nom him all night long!! :wink:
  6. V

    Amazing japanese Fountain

    i could sit and watch that for hours without getting bored!!
  7. V

    Top 10 Bands?

    yayness *huggles* :D
  8. V

    London expo

    oooo! i've not been to the expo in ages!! i plan on going to the october one next year unless i can get money for may aswell :3 heck knows what i'm going to cosplay as tho!!
  9. V

    Hi :D

    hehe thank you chaos :D wowie..otaku-san ate my hand.. i feel nomed!!
  10. V

    Top 10 Bands?

    oh oh oh i have a list :3 1. Queen 2. Meatloaf 3. Alice Cooper 4. Kiss 5. Within Temptation 6. Iron Maiden 7. Rammstein 8. Daft Punk 9. Rob Zombie 10. Joan Jett
  11. V

    Hi :D

    Hello everyone, i'm vixie(as you can see) i was previously a member on this site(called Obsessed Shanks Lover) but i lost my password and whatnot so havnt been on in a VERY long time! its nice to be back <3