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  1. C

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    The Silverscreen in Maidstone is closing too. So you get around 20% off anime which is normally £20 and it is still more expensive than most in HMV!
  2. C

    Favorite "Non Anime" cartoons

    > Question does anybody remember prince valiant or am i the only one??? It had the best theme tune ever! I remember it, although I don't remember any events in it, rather boring overall. As for best theme tune: It was good, but nowhere near the greatness of Mysterious Cities of Gold. That...
  3. C

    Anime vs Live action

    Interesting how so many anime fans watch (and like) films in pretty much every other language. I could probably stick one or two anime titles in my top ten, but most of it would be non-anime.
  4. C

    your thoughs on how much the UK gets

    You might want to check the current prices of those at Amazon right now. Even Futurama is less than £20
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    your thoughs on how much the UK gets

    We need more of the quality stuff. i know people who'll watch any old rubbish as long as it is anime, regardless of quality. Most of the easily available DVDs are just plain mediocre or worse and people buy them "because it's anime it must be good". If these people stopped then we might get...
  6. C

    My reviews of the DVDs in The Works Anime boxset (red)

    I've seen the last one now: Paranoia Agent A mysterious boy with a baseball bat attacks people who are having problems in their life. Most of the people are connected in some way and nearly all of them are under heavy stress. Describing what happens doesn't really do it any justice, it is...
  7. C

    The Firefly/Serenity appreciation thread

    It is a great series and film. I have friends who dress up and do live action roleplay based on the series...
  8. C

    My reviews of the DVDs in The Works Anime boxset (red)

    Yep, I preferred the red set, much higher quality and no fillers. Not in the shops so much now, it might have been an xmas-only thing but it could be redone soon.
  9. C

    My reviews of the DVDs in The Works Anime boxset (red)

    My reviews of the DVDs in The Works Anime boxset (red)Better DVDs than in the blue boxset, generally more recent and higher quality, but these are all volume 1 of a series rather than some being movies or stand-alone OVA. Some of the series below don't have all of their volumes released in the...
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    Ask our reporter in Japan!

    Just learning Japanese and I cam across a katakana of the symbol that sounds like 'u' except it has the " markings next to it. How is this pronounced and is it special?
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    Anime documentary on ITV1 tomorrow night

    Oops, missed it. Is it repeated anytime soon?
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    Ask our reporter in Japan!

    Also TV related: Is it true that the remake of 70s/80s series Monkey is the biggest tv show in Japan at the moment, with one third of the population watching it? Is it any good?
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    Furry students

    It seems they have several things that it could have been, Thanks anyway.
  14. C

    Furry students

    I remember finding a manga style book a few years ago which featured anthromorphic animals who were students. Someone I know insists that it had content of an adult nature, although I remember so little about it I couldn't say either way. Any idea what it was?
  15. C

    Final Thoughts on Haibane Renmei

    Haibane Renmei is fantastic. The best DVD in the Works box. Now I have to decide whether to wait for a possible boxset (seems unlikely) or get the rest of the separates.
  16. C

    Ghost in the Shell SAC 1G

    You really only miss the DTS soundtracks. The laughing man is oddly similar to the puppet master too...
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    Ask our reporter in Japan!

    What does the name/word reikuko mean? One of my friends thinks it means something to do with retribution in death, but the best I found was 'cruelty'
  18. C

    Ask our reporter in Japan!

    What is the Japanese for tap water. The Japanese restaurant I go to doesn't seem to employ any English speakers, so the best I can do is ask for water "mizu" which always gets me bottled stuff (and expensive at that!). Is tap water a normal thing to have with a meal in Japan?
  19. C

    Cardcaptor Sakura

    I have a shameful like of this series too. I think it is on GMTV freeview channel in the mornings at the moment, unless there is another series called Cardcaptors.
  20. C

    Review of The Works MVM Anime boxset (blue)

    There are several that I wanted to see for ages, and now I know they are rubbish, but several I'd never heard about and I love them.