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  1. N


    By character development, I mean allowing us to understand the characters, their motives, who they are, why they are like that, etc (i.e. characterisation). I do expect some changes to characters, whereby they change over time (i.e. dynamic characterisation), but I don't expect that for every...
  2. N


    Jack was just an example, but I think it applies to most characters from season 1 (and maybe even for some later seasons). The characters only get about 4 or 5 seasons of character development (other than at the end), so you miss that in between. Most characters only do in later seasons exactly...
  3. N


    I was just starting to watch the Lost: The Final Journey (though I'm not going to watch the rest now, watch it later) and the intro made me realise how much I enjoyed watching these characters become who they are over the first couple of seasons, and how then I just had enough of them (Jack was...
  4. N

    Epic Film/Anime

    I would consider Epic meaning, (an epic) scope. Wiki: Epics in this sense are majestic depictions that capture impressive struggles, such as stories of war, adventures, and other efforts of great scope and size over long periods of time. Anime: Summer Wars, Eva 1 (and 2: watched it...
  5. N


    The purgatory bit is what I have an issue with, as everyone must have at one point thought the Island was that, though it turns out the LAX verse was. I was just expecting something more imaginative and creative - something people wouldn't have expected the Island or the LAX verse being. I...
  6. N


    The ending was OK, seen better endings, but at least it didn't disappoint. Won't be buying the series on Blu-Ray though, well unless the whole series is available for under £20 someday, the last two seasons let the whole series down for me, if they were strong, it would have been an instant buy...
  7. N


    I didn't like that many characters being killed that quickly, and that suddenly. It felt anti-climactic, but I was saddened by their loss none the less.
  8. N

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Brought these earlier, as part of the Eidos pack (during the New Year), which I really brought for the Hitman series, Thief and Batman. Dues Ex was a bonus, though for £3 the games are worth it. I have Mass Effect and BioShock (1s, will buy 2s later), but haven't played them yet, need a...
  9. N

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just started Deus Ex, on PC (Steam). Not bad so far. Probably the first RPG I've played, never really been into them.
  10. N


    I'm beginning to think one of the worlds, might not actually be real, probably the Island World, and might be something imagined within the mind of Desmond. That wouldn't be a very good ending, unless they mixed that up with some other interesting bits and bobs. That said, this ep definitely has...
  11. N


    I quite liked Ab Aeterno" as well, was good to see Richards past. My favourite episode of Lost has to the The Constant (and I'm sure a lot of other people would agree), the only ep I've seen twice, so far. This weeks ep, Happily Ever After (an ep I might watch again), was definitely the best...
  12. N

    Sword Of The Stranger & Fullmetal Alchemist coming to BR

    Need to get a bluray drive soon, with eva 1.11 and now FMA: Brotherhood. Hopefully somemore of the popular US re-releases in Bluray will come out here soon.
  13. N


    I assumed the Danielle going crazy bit was a lie made up by the others, until they showed her story in the time jumps. I guess I forgot about that her killing her child's father, Danielle was never a very interesting character too me, maybe that's why. I like mind games, hence why I love...
  14. N


    I liked the episode, its looking alot less filler. Any new series or even season of a series can have a few standalone eps after the first couple that (r)establish the 'world', that was what Lost was doing, but I didn't like it, as I thought there are limited eps left (17 for this season i...
  15. N


    I don't totally hate the journeys, we've had some amazing dialogue during some of them, like the Superman/Flash one some time earlier. What I hate is when they stretch it out way too much, sometimes over more than a single episode. It also seems, that they are almost always walking around and...
  16. N


    The ep was good, I liked how the factions are forming, the Jacob faction even though he's no loner amongst the living and the Smokey faction. I didn't want Sayeed to go evil, but what he done after going evil and the look in his eyes was wicked (wicked good). What I hate is when they need to...
  17. N


    I reply after Lost airs in the UK in about 21 hours time, in case I might spoil the episode for others.
  18. N


    The mythology of lost might be based on Sci-fi, but there isn't much Scifi currently in the series, other then the alternate reality story. I mean, in the last two seasons we had the time travelling (Desmond's and the rest of the islanders), moving the entire Island, the time continuty...
  19. N


    Lost: Sci-fi vs Fantasy Not really enjoyed this season of Lost. Its good, but definitely not as good as the highs of S4. I liked the Sci-fi aspects of S4, and that was toned down in S5, but it was still quite good. This season, most of the Sci-fi elements are gone, from the time travelling...
  20. N

    Hi, looking for friends in Newport, Wales

    I'm from Newport in South Wales, though I just moved here about 6 months ago from Manchester, as I got a job working in the Public Sector. I'm a Software Developer, and graduated from Salford University (near Manchester) a couple years back, in Computer Science. I'm 25, in case anyones...