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  1. A

    What you guys doing right now.

    Sitting here, drinking cranberry juice and waiting for some type of reply to an email i sent earlier, other than that, doing nothing, might see if i can buy an Anime boxset of some kind, i have no idea what though
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    Picture by Adztheguitarguy

    Hey thanks everyone, i try my best, ill try and do some more new pics for you guys to take a look at, thanks again ^_^
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    What you guys doing right now.

    Not much, Sitting here chatting on MSN waiting for Kittyseras to either come online or to call, I miss her so much........being bored is all that seems to happen at home now weve left school, nothing to do during the week but weekends are some what different ;)
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    Picture by Adztheguitarguy

    Here yet another pic from me, you guys are probably getting bored of these lol anyways this picture I drew on paint on the computer, it took me roughly about 4 days to finish but the end product was okay, its abit fan servicy, sorry lol but see what you guys think
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    Picture by Adztheguitarguy

    Heres another pic i did quite a while back, its was for KittySeras and she liked it ^_^ so ill let you guys see what you think
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    Random picture from KittySeras.

    Jelous, thats all i can say ^_^ I wish i could draw as good as that Kitty, i hope to see more of your pictures so i can dwell upon then even more, anyways keep it up Kitty, your the best
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    Picture by Adztheguitarguy

    I drew this pic because i was bored earlier, if you feel like it, tell me what you think everyone
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    What you guys doing right now.

    Sitting here thinking about going to play KH but dont know if i can be bothered, also sitting here being bored and lonely but i might draw a picture and post it on here.........hmmmm
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    What you guys doing right now.

    Just sitting at the computer, thinking about the amazing weekend I just spent with KittySeras, theres nothing better than that and i cant wait to see you again hunni
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    Random picture from KittySeras.

    Hey hunni, wow that picture is amazing, as the other dude said, i have no idea who it is but its amazing hunni, keep it up, your great, Love you