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  1. L

    Insulting attitudes

    I think it's self evident from the posts on this page that people don't want your point of view. Have you considered that people don't actually care about what you think of their photos?
  2. L

    Insulting attitudes

    I've only been here five minutes, but I think it's pretty safe to assume that Link100p is definitely the putz of the forum.
  3. L

    Insulting attitudes

    Ha! No, not like "Oh my gosh, I'm so emo" depressed, I just wasn't up to it that particular evening. Anyway, back to PenKnifeLoveLife...
  4. L

    Songs you like and dislike at this moment in time.

    Athlete's Wires, it's an old one, but I just love the chorus so much! Anything by Utada Hikaru's good at the minute too =)!
  5. L

    Pics, everyone

    Here's one of myself (middle), absolutely battered - I look like I'm having quite a nice time, despite the fact that I was actually pretty depressed at the time. Convincing, no?
  6. L

    What are you watching right now

    I turned Ghost In The Shell 2 on about an hour ago with every intention to watch it, then I sat down with food at the computer and haven't moved since :oops:!
  7. L

    Hitman Codename 47 - Movie News - TRAILER UPDATE

    To be honest, I don't think the chap suits the part at all. They should've actually used the voice actor of the game series, it would make more sense as the character model is actually based on him. Maybe he's just not much of an actor. Regardless, I'm fairly confident this film will flop.
  8. L

    Best Final Fantasy

    No contest for me, Final Fantasy VII will always be my favourite. Predominantly for the great story line - it went so deep, and while it might have been a little over whelming, there was always a desire to keep on playing through whilst trying to take it all in. The many different characters...