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  1. M

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    I watched The Final (for now) Cut. Think I saw the one with his awful narration at college once... I... think. Sorry, Ayase. I don't HATE it... but neither do I LOVE it... it's just... there. Some parts are great... the views of the city with Vangelis' music, the...
  2. M

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Rewatched Blade Runner for the first time in years. A diluted consequence of endeavour and storytelling. I admire it for the technical achievement for its year, but the whole thing just feels so vacant. Like before, Scott takes one genre and plants it into a different period; in this it's a...
  3. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just starting the second year in Atelier Meruru (population 11000+). It's quite admirable on just how much Mimi's character has grown up in this... Which is quite the opposite of Rorona, to say the least. Enjoying it, but the music seems less adventurous and mythical than Totori's.
  4. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Finished a rewatch of the Sakura Wars OVA series. It ends well with Sakura's character development, but as a cross medium experience it pays to know the franchise.
  5. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Spring always brings about a Sakura Wars period for me, so I have been re-watching the OVA series, which is the best animated form of the franchise. Or at least the 1997 OVAs are. The second 'character' studies feel less engaging. I am biased, though, since the original OVA VHS release was...
  6. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Started Atelier Meruru. Man, Meruru is an energetic one; she reminds me of SuperTed for some weird, unknown bizarre reason. Seeing the 'memories' of Rorona and Totori on the disc splash screen was endearing, too.
  7. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    You could say I've been playing with the 3DS XL... but that transfer scenario from the original to this is a complete and utter shambles of trite nonsense. So many checks to set it up: You have to be connected to the internet and swap SD cards to attain data - then you have to copy your...
  8. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Hand cramp not included, hopefully.
  9. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Finished Lego City Undercover in 25 hours with only 28% complete. Some games peter out at the end, with the likes of either a rushed final section or a damp squib finale. Lego City Undercover WAS NOT one of those games. An outstanding final section with truly epic music, visuals and humour...
  10. M

    General News/Current Affairs Thread

    Cracking discussion on Sky News at the moment: 'She transformed the banking system!' - 'No, you're rewriting history!' 'Her and Reagan brought about the end of the Cold War!' - 'No, no no!' 'She invented Mr Whippy!' - 'Oh, tasty!'
  11. M

    General Games Discussion

    Easily my most favourite gaming news of the year... ... s-release/ For those that don't know, the original Umihara Kawase was easily one of the best 2D platformers of all time. Was overjoyed when a port of it went to the DS (with its not so great...
  12. M

    General News/Current Affairs Thread

    Bloody hell! Sunderland must be really desperate... I mean Di Canio was 100% on his way to Reading until the players and fans started a stink up. Reading... READING! It's a funny old game.
  13. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Don't panic! ... ked-on-3ds Ross appeared over on GAF and apologised about it. A half mercy; a recall would have driven the first printing price sky high :(
  14. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Aye, just read up on this a minute ago. The worst part of it is there will probably never be a patch or recall. Taking worst case scenarios, that is :wink: Glad mine is still sealed...
  15. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Congratulations, Josh. I'm going to do mine the old fashioned way by finding an agent, having my dreams crushed and sink into depression. It is time for that soul crushing period to begin soon.
  16. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Lego City Undercover. There's a lot of humour in this, a lot of funky 70s cop show music, and a lego squirrel. Comparisons with another series are inevitable, but it's nice to play that kind of game without the violence. It seems to be a jack of all trades, but master of none, keeping options...
  17. M

    General Games Discussion

    What's the betting they'll screw up The Moon's tune in Ducktales?
  18. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Here's hoping, there's no record of a double order (or 'quantity 2') on their website. Time to check. Also I really want to love those Hidari Atelier Ayesha character designs, but they don't seem as strong as Kishida's Arland ones. On initial viewing, anyway.
  19. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I used to be a Hitomi fan, but then the Volleyball games revealed she's useless at it. Kasumi FTW 8)
  20. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Purchased at the same time on GAME's online store, everything came in separate packages. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd... :eek: 'Kay, WTF, GAME? 1 means 1 as far as I'm concerned. Still, did get two Boo stress balls, though... I also used about £13 of reward points on it, which...