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  1. M

    The football thread!

    Sweden's DeLorean being used to good use it seems.
  2. M

    Amazon has Wii U pre-orders at £200

    It also says that it will be available on July 14th. Something is most certainly amiss.
  3. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    It's June. It's Higurashi month. Started re-watching the series, up to episode 10. After reading the manga and playing the Visual Novel it is so apparent at just how bad an adaptation it is - the conclusion of Abducted by Demons will make no sense in the long term. But the eerie music...
  4. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    It might have helped Just started it myself and got a bit confused when it was getting to halfway through May and nothing was happening, thought I had a glitched version, and then... It all happened. Thankfully.
  5. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Awww, don't be jealous, Rena... ... 44&sr=8-17 1 left, better hurry...
  6. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Had Miss Ryugu arrive today... Even came with her meat cleaver...
  7. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Still can't believe that I found a copy in Reading. The guy over the counter then said: 'It's a good game.' Seemed happy to announce the fact, too. Also Spice and Wolf manga volumes 5 and 6 (not from the same shop).
  8. M

    E3 2012

    Project P-100 from Platinum: ... 4D4YZQ9uY#! Pikmin in an urban environment. They could've at least shown a clip of this in the conference. And the latest Warioware (sort of): Why were these...
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    E3 2012

    Nintendo just committed suicide.
  10. M

    E3 2012

    A few Nintendo rumours... Mass Effect on Wii U... Don't see why not. Totally plausible. But this... ... OChBfhta4#! Fake. But as it's by far my favourite 3D Zelda I would welcome it.
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    E3 2012

    Maybe I'm getting old, but I found The Last of Us' brutality a bit off putting. Yep, must be age :(
  12. M

    E3 2012

    I'll call it now: Watch Dogs is Game of the Show.
  13. M

    E3 2012

    I think Microsoft have just commited suicide. Start off with... HALO 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Fills next hour and a half with Kinect and social platform malarkey* 'And we end with...' ... ... ... ... NEWS ON 720! :eek: ... ... ... Black Ops 2.
  14. M

    Nintendo to host Nintendo Direct stream tomorrow at 11pm

    Going back over the presentation Iwata says: '... transmit game content they have created themselves, which can then be added to others' gameplay.' Are they going to allow game design specifics with their games now? Not like in Smash Bros. Brawl, but for a far greater variety of software...
  15. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    That's sold it to me. Thank you, Fabby.
  16. M

    Nintendo to host Nintendo Direct stream tomorrow at 11pm

    Well, that's come and gone. That was the most unintentionally funny broadcast I have seen in awhile. 'MY PUSHES ARE INEFFECTUAL!' Quite.
  17. M

    What manga are you reading now?

    Finished Higurashi: When They Cry: Atonement Arc: Volume 4. It's the tight plotting that helps so much with this storyline. The similarities between Abducted by Demons are far better drawn up then they were in the anime, and Rena's descent is far better written. Tragic all the way, even...
  18. M

    Farewell, Sega. Sad day for Sega and the industry as a whole. IF it's true. IF.