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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    From Grey DeLisle-Griffin (Daphne from Scooby Doo, Azula from Avatar TLA, Martin Prince from The Simpsons, Lola, Lana and Lily Loud from The Loud House, Vicky from The Fairly Oddparents, etc) herself! Oh if you wanna get something from her, here's her Ebay store grey-delisle on eBay
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    What did you BUY today?

    Shes been voicing Daphne for 20 years now
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    So whats your desktop?

    I have a lot that I cycle through, these are some of my favorites
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    What did you BUY today?

    So is anyone here familiar with Grey DeLisle Griffin? (aka Daphne from Scooby Doo, Azula from Avatar TLA and the new voice of Martin Prince in The Simpsons to name a few)........well after watching a lot of Danny Phantom recently for the first time and taking a liking to her character Sam Manson...
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    General Cartoons Thread So VAs Tara Strong and Greg Cipes (Raven and Beast Boy in Teen Titans Go respectively) started up a podcast on YouTube and since both follow me on Twitter I wanted to repay that by promoting their new show. To give you an idea of what to...
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    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Oh yeah, that absolutely sucked cause I like the guy who voiced Issei originally. The replacement VA just didnt really do it for me
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    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Funimation have had some issues recently. Going all the way back to the Gamergate comment in the dub of Prison School and the behaviour of some of their VAs during the whole Vic Minogna drama
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    General TV Discussion I'm genuinely curious how Britbox (or whoever is behind the show) were able to get American VAs involved because I was under the impression that SAG-AFTA...
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    General Cartoons Thread

    All 5 seasons of cult Canadian animated classic The Raccoons are now free and legally available to watch on YouTube
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    General TV/Movie News & Announcements

    So I wasnt sure if to put this in the Cartoons thread but regardless.......
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    The General Conversation Area

    So this made my day recently. I tweeted about watching both the original and CG reboot of Inspector Gadget and look who liked it. If you dont know who Cree Summer is.......well shes a longtime VA since about the early 1980s (fun fact her dad Don Francks was the voice of Boba Fett in the animated...
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    General Cartoons Thread

    So, lots has happened in animation. -Close Enough from the creator of Regular Show finally came out about 2 years after it was supposed to air on TBS. -Crossing Swords (from Robot Chicken studio Stoopid Buddy Studios) dropped back in Juns and turned out to be better than i thought. -Star Trek...
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    General Politics Thread

    So am I. But then you get to the "Bill Gates unleashed the virus so he can inject microchips and depopulate the planet on behalf of the new world order so the survivors will be enslaved under a one world government" bollocks........and people legit believe this, not just the off the grid tin...
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    General Politics Thread

    I meant the basic freedom to go out and about, to be able to travel abroad or just be able to go out and shop or hang with friends and not worry about social Distancing. Something which will no longer be a thing post lockdown given what the government has planned for us Also I've noticed that...
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    General Politics Thread

    I get the optimism here, however I'm starting to genuinely think the UK government is going to find any way to keep the lockdown going In fact I'm already picturing a scenario where its near the end of the year, the virus has been completely contained and its spread almost nothing. The majority...
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    General Politics Thread

    I'm probably going to get frowned on for posting this because I know this man is a bit of a conspiracy Theory nut who believes the current pandemic to be fake. However I fully agree with his stance on social distancing and the potential damage to society it being permanent could be Seriously...
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    General Politics Thread

    Am I the only sane one here, is no one taking this potential reality seriously?. So you want yo live in a world where you can never hug/kiss/hold hands anymore, shows like Sesane Street will be teaching toddlers how to keep apart from all times, school kids can never play with other kids again...
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    General Politics Thread

    Reading some of these replies makes me happy to know that in not the only one who thinks social distancing is proving to be mentally damaging. I mean we live right now with the very real possibility of it being a permanent part of our lives. No more physical interactions of any type, no more...
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    General Cartoons Thread

    So the Harley Quinn animated series that started about 6 months ago in the US finally made it to the All 4 streaming service over here.........and they are pulling the same crap Disney Plus UK did with The Mandalorian by putting up 1 episode a week........why?. I'm curious however if anyone has...