Search results

  1. J

    First Round - Girls Battles 17 + 18 + 19

    *Nyani Nyani Nyani* I'm up at James and can't remember my password cause I make it too obscure. Ryo-...cabbit, Nagato Yuki ~Nyani *James* Ryo-Ohki , Kallen Kouzuki
  2. J

    First ROund - Guys 17 - 19

    *Nyani Nyani Nyani* I'm up at James and can't remember my password cause I make it too obscure. Sousuke, Fate, Zelgadis ~Nyani *James* Sousuke, Fate, Zelgadis
  3. J

    First Round - Girls Battles 15 + 16

    Hinagiku Katsura Galatea
  4. J

    First Round - Girls Battles 13 + 14

    Soi Fon Clare
  5. J

    First Round - Guys 13 - 14

    Guts - Berserk & Edward Elric - Full Metal Alchemist
  6. J

    Hello ppl

    Welcome =)
  7. J

    First Round - Guys Battles 11 + 12

    Hachirota Hoshino - Planetes Keiichi Maebara - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
  8. J

    First Round - Girls Battles 11 + 12

    Shirayuki Mizore Rin Tohsaka
  9. J

    Is Full Metal Panic! Second Raid ever going to come out?

    It's a shame really, because I have FMP and FMP:Fumoffu and I'd have liked the get TSR too. But if it never comes out you can always get the R1, provided you have something to play it on.
  10. J

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I pretty much completed assassins creed 2 within a few hours, but I stopped playing it to play one of my other games and not turned it on properly since. I should really go complete it. I think I only have 2 chapters left.
  11. J

    Figure discussion/picture thread

    Haha, thanks. I love that wallscroll, it fits perfectly above my desk. And I'm yet to find a better replacement PC wallpaper.
  12. J

    Spider-Man 4 no more

    Well I am kind of disappointed because even though the spiderman 3 was pretty bad I thought that if they added Lizard in 4 it might have been decent. I didn't much like Tobey Maguire anyway, he always looked a bit odd to me and pulled some weird faces. >.> I'll see how this high school spidey...
  13. J

    Figure discussion/picture thread

    Here are my figures, and a few random dragons for good measure. My Desk My Figure Shelf DVD / Manga Shelf Window (it's saying one of the images isn't there but it is, so if everyone else can't see it tell me so I can upload it again.)
  14. J

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Games I'm playing are, in descending order: Batman:AA (Great game, can't wait for the second one.) Darksiders (Just started playing and good so far.) Assassins creed 2 (great game, just gets really repetitive like the first one.) Resident Evil 5 (Playing through on 2 player, shame...
  15. J

    Anyone picked up Darksiders yet?

    My brother got Darksiders the other day, he has been playing it quite a bit. I was playing it for a while earlier and I do agree it's god of war like, but I always like the Devil May Cry style games. There are a few weapons in the game from what I've got myself and what I've seen my brother...
  16. J

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Negima 11
  17. J

    sudden death match - Pino vs Jo

    Jo Wish I had got to vote for the last round, then this wouldn't have happened :P
  18. J

    Round 1 battles 7 + 8 - Girls

    Lucy and C.C Easy Choices for a change.
  19. J

    Winter 2010 Season

    There are a few that look interesting on there, like Qwaser of Stigmata, Omamori Himari, Ookamikakushi. But I don't know which ones I'm going to watch yet, I'll have to look into them further. Then again I can always just catch up on other stuff.