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  1. J

    US Congress Rules That Pizza is a Vegetable

    Haha, by far the best comment in this entire thread. I find that even though it's a fruit people still look at you like you're insane if you eat one on it's own...
  2. J

    most favourite characters

    I would have to agree with Saber and Lelouch for my choices.
  3. J

    Official PlayStation Thread (PSN stuff, discussion..etc)

    I kept meaning to get Ar Tonelico Qoga, but I wasn't too sure if it was any good as peoples ratings of the game seemed... erratic..
  4. J

    Most Expensive month of the year for gamers

    I have bought (Also in the order of how much I've played them) Battlefield 3 Skyrim Batman AC COD:MW3 Additionally: Also playing a Saints Row The Third but it's not my game.
  5. J

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Skyrim, Battlefield 3 and Saints Row The Third. (Although Skyrim randomly crashed on me not long ago so I gave up with it for the night...)
  6. J

    Fall Anime Season 2011

    Thanks for the list. Hunter X Hunter & Fate/Zero are a must for me!
  7. J

    Spam private messages?

    Do I get the free iPhone the spam promised me at the end?
  8. J

    Spam private messages?

    I got the spam, which is why I logged on here.. I thought someone actually wanted to talk to me for a moment.
  9. J


    I was a few chapters behind on bleach, as it's been getting pretty weak, and I caught up this week and I have to wonder how Kubo is supposedly creating new arcs after this? And I'm glad I'm not the only person that is really getting sick of Aizen. :P
  10. J

    One Piece Anime Sets it own Record TV Rating

    I'd say yes to the Japanese version, it's loads better than the 4kids version.
  11. J

    Introduction! Thread!

    Howdy! Welcome to the forums =)
  12. J


    Yeah, I noticed in the first two volumes that there was quite a bit missing from the start of the anime. and I found that it made Leorio appear different when they first met. I have to say, I just love you method of destroying One Piece... one slight problem. How would you get close enough to...
  13. J

    Viz acquire Psyren, Kurozakuro and Itsuwaribito

    Wooo Psyren! I highly recommend it too
  14. J


    Yeah, I kind of got addicted to this a while back and read all the way up to 107 in a few days. :P oops, I wanted more! I would love for this to be published in English, I'd defiantly but it.
  15. J


    I've recently started getting Hunter X Hunter Manga because I loved the anime when I watched it such a long time ago, I wish I had it on DVD. I really like One Piece but I Prefer Hunter X Hunter.
  16. J

    Your Top Ten: How Many Do You Own?

    1Claymore = that are out 2Negima = 19 3One Piece = 0 4Love Hina = All Rest are in random order Hunter X Hunter = 2 Pysren = 0 Higurashi = 4 (2,2) <- that might make sense to some people Fate/Stay Night = 6 Soul Eater = 0 Berserk = 2 I've not read much to even bother making a top...
  17. J

    First Round - Guys Battles 23-25

    Kogarashi , Negi, Kenpachi
  18. J

    First Round - Girls Battles 23-25

    Meryl Strife Plug