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  1. D

    What are you listening to Now thread.

    <object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
  2. D

    What are your life goals?

    Thats quite admirable, if i had any musical talent besied being a slightly above avarage singer i'd probaly be doing something similar. Oh Lord! i couldnt even get past 2 hours of 1,2,3,4 and 5 (managed to get past 10 hours of 13 before my anus started bleeding). That seems to be an impossible...
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    Watch the First Ten Minutes of New Berserk Movie

    OH MY GOD THAT LOOKS AMAZING! This movie needs to hurry up and be licensed.
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    What are your life goals?

    So it seems you mostly just want stable lives then. Understandable but for me i want to use the money i make being an architect to open an animation studio and basically just make movies or series based on what i like (like for example Psyren) and hopefully get to work with animators and...
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    What are your life goals?

    I was just wondering what my fellow fans wanna do with their lives in the grand scheme of things as my goal is rather wide ranging and at the rate I am going it will come to fruition in the next 20-30 years at the earliest (I wanna save enough money to form my own animation studio on top of...
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    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Media Blaster F*** Up
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    Operation: Black March

    I doubt i'll be able to restrain myself with mass effect 3 and all but i'll just have to buy all me stuff before march then. pre-orders don't count right?
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    Anime Hangman

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    Trailer for Zetman

    Thats also what i'm hopin for cause i know i'm not gonna be followin it as it comes out. i only do that for longer series.
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    Bleach manga to enter final story arc

    Indeed it has, now lets just hope it doesn't just devolve into killing the good characters (grimjow, ulquiora) and not killing the ****** characters (aizen) and leaving us with ichigo and co who shouldn't be the main focus of everything cause the best thing about the soul society arc was that it...
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    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    :cry: I only saw Akira for the first time when it aired on syfy last year and loved it. although i only got seriously into anime after naruto back in 2006, my first anime was Voltron back in the 90s in my homeland of zambia so does that mean i'm i that same category or not?? :?
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    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    On the other hand that means i can now afford that berserke boxset i was wanting :twisted:
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    Bleach manga to enter final story arc

    I used to love bleach but it has been dragged out to the point of insanity. hope it has a good ending but this recent arc just had me cringing and moaning the whole way through so there might be no hope left for it. all i care about is kenpachi, isshin and urahara other than that i could care...
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    Trailer for Zetman

    I Try 8)
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Heres what i got today and have been watchin
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    Your anime viewing journal

    Bakuman 1-7 One Piece 13-21
  17. D

    Trailer for Zetman

  18. D

    What did you RECEIVE today?

    Bakuman First Issue DVD and One Piece Collection 1 of probably 10,000. I'll Post pictures later but yeah, both of those for £30 overall from amazon.
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    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    BEST ANIME OF THE YEAR!! :twisted: It looks like Kimi Ni Todoke... but not... plus watanabe and kanno 8)
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    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    I like them though, They brighten up the otherwise overwhelmingly serious mood.