I liked the ending for most part. The parts i didn't like were when they basically tried to make Satan a sympathetic character. I was like "didn't he try to kill Rin in episode 2 and isn't he the lord of all evil". It was stupid but then again i am religious so that might have influenced my...
Psycho Pass Episode 2
The episode was kinda boring to watch but at least it had a bit of character development for Moe McMoeblob. I also really like the Opening. Hopefully Moe McMoeblob gets used to actually being in the field doing police type work cause its a lot different from writing about...
Ooh i didnt know that she was popular there. I guess if they really want to hear her cover Nickelback i shouldn't be winging about it :wink: The japanese really need to be introduced to Foo Fighters and Muse though :P
This Avril whatever doing covers for one piece movie Z themes is so daft. I guess Oda must really like Ms Lagvine to go to such lengths and i guess its like how anime fans like tend to like Japanese music cause its Japanese. I works both ways but they could have gotten like Foo Fighters or Muse...
I don't tend to be attracted to 12 year olds no matter what age the writers say they are lol. Seriously though its just not my thing, I tend to watch shows with either a lot of adventuring and fighting going on like Hunter X Hunter or just straight up Cyberpunk/Procedural type shows like Stand...
I have no interest in Denpa Onna but it does have some rather gorgeous animation by Hironori Tanaka in it. Its at 2:55 :wink:
Dunno if its a spoiler or not so its in spoiler bit. Thats a really nice looking set nevertheless.
I'm really happy about Funi getting Wolf Children as their work on Summer Wars was excellent and the Two dub actors announced to Toriko are great. Ian will definitely do a good job and after Kenichi Grelle can do whatever he wants :P
Psycho Pass Episode 1
I was getting serious Stand Alone Complex vibes off of this until all of the rape started happening. I was expecting this to be more of a Mature as in serious themes that you actually have to be an adult to understand "mature" rather than the sex and violence (along with a...
I just love listening to Clements talk. You learn so much and oh yeah the discussion on females in the anime industry was especially interesting. I didn't realize K-On! was directed by a lady (i just assumed it was some random director guy).
I was obsessed with Reborn! so i like the character designs already and after Fate/Zero and Madoka, Urobuchi will have me watching regardless. Also it looks like a Ghost in the shell type show with no high school moe fanservicy crap thrown in so yeah.
Naoki Urasawa's Monster is like tots the best show evar! Seriously though, the show was such an intense and thrilling that by the end i felt a bit exhausted. Its really good but when i was nearing the end it felt like a had way too much of a good thing. In short, it was a bit longer...
AH HELL NAWW!! At least the first seven episodes are available dubbed and i own them. I guess if there really is no dub available for the whole thing then I'll just have to get them sub-only. Too bad as well, the dub cast was decent.
This was a phase i went through last year. After years of honestly boring cartoons being produced here in the west it seems that with lots of new talent has come a plethera of awesome western animated shows that are pulling a lot of anime fans back that way. Amazing shows like Adventure time...
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