I can see why people love it and i can appreciate that but i personally don't care much for it and most of oshii's work in general. I prefer the way the universe is portrayed in Stand Alone Complex is all.
Don't watch secret of mamo first! but maybe Castle of Cagliostro would be a good start. i'm not a huge fan but i've enjoyed what i've seen so that would be my place to start.
I'm only half trolling with the 6.5 but it was a wierdass viewing experience and i only enjoyed 5 minutes of it :wink: (Its the bit with guns and shooting)
Ghost in the Shell (1995)
God! i can't put into words how much this movie bothered me. I watched this on Netflix and deliberately watched the original over 2.0 cause i wanna see green but despite it looking great, the actual plot and soundtrack almost made me barf. No offense to Kenji Kawai...
If you mean the animator of the final fight in Sword of the Stranger then that would be Grand master Yutaka Nakamura (of FMA, Soul Eater, Escaflowne and Cowboy Bebop Fame).
Yeah a couple of animator videos i made were featured on there and i already follow a lot of these guys (particularly...
The most suitable currently running shows i would say would be best for TV Airing would be maybe Hunter x Hunter (with the blood edited out of course) but even that would be a stretch at this point. tbh i think we all need a new Ghost in the shell to come out. Kamiyama needs to get on that asap...
Then i hope this thread can educate you my friend :twisted:
Yoshiyuki Ito
This animator is one that works mostly with bones these days and did the character design work for the original FMA, Soul Eater and Star Driver alongside doing key animation work for those shows and many others...
Yep the videos are great indeed. following animators is something i've been doing for the past year and it helps with my portfolio cause studying the styles of other helps improve my own animating skills. Heres another one:
Yoshimichi Kameda
Now i realize that most people don't pay attention to the animators who work on anime but i felt i had to share the work of some of my favorite animators who work in the industry today. You can get a feel for certain animators based on their drawings (shapes, the kinds of details they like to...
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