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  1. Z

    Ghost in the Shell SAC first season box set.

    Im also waiting for the boxset I do try to buy thing as they come out but if I cant the box-sets are always good value. I also doubt the price will chage it more likely to be the date >.< but fingers crossed all will go to schedule..
  2. Z

    Whats the most amount of hours you've played any game for?

    Longest Sesion Almost 32 hours I got a photo of what I looked like after somewhere It didnt look good haha That was on Phantasy Star Online (Gamecube version) But ofted do 24 hour sessions on games if anybody is every up for one give me a PM or something. Longest Overall On a Game This is a...
  3. Z


    Played the hell out of Final Fantasy 11 Priston Tale Gate To Heavens Kal Online World Of Warcraft Got bored fast of Raganarok Online Kal Online Knight Online
  4. Z

    Ill intorduce myself

    Im doing BTEC National Level 3 Diploma In I.T Practitioners And thanks for the warm welcome people :D
  5. Z

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    I didnt wait for the thinpacks and I baught each DVD sepearate a few months back now well worth it though as its soo damn good. But back on subject I ordered DNAngel 4 (R1) on Saturday and im probably going to order DNAngel 5 later on. As I order 2 dvd's a week and theres nothing else...
  6. Z

    Mugshots: Post your Pic!

    Notice the Newtype poster in the background haha one of many posters ^.^
  7. Z

    Best places to buy anime..

    If your looking for R2 DVD's Is the cheapest I Know for R2 If your looking for R1 DVD's AND DONT! HAVE A CREDIT CARD If your looking for R1 DVD's AND HAVE A CREDIT CARD and if your looking for random stuff...
  8. Z

    Ill intorduce myself

    I intend to :) I been browsing this site for ages and only just signed up haha
  9. Z

    Ill intorduce myself

    Im Frank aka ZAFF im from sunny Rotherham (near sheffield) im 18 and im in college at this moment in time bored out of my mind.