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  1. G

    Resident Evil: Extinction

    The trailer looks interesting, i hope its better than the 2nd one though.
  2. G

    Hey all

    Hey, Been signed up to these forums for quite a while now but never really used them till recently so i better introduce myself :). I have been an anime for for the best part of 4 years now although watched series such as pokemon and dragon ball well before i knew it was anime or anime...
  3. G

    What you guys doing right now.

    watching football on sky, and of course reading/posting on these forums :)
  4. G

    What manga are you reading now?

    Now moved onto Cheeky Angel vol.6 still finding this a good read, also reading mega tokyo vol.4 (if american manga style counts)
  5. G

    Methods of reading Manga/books

    Only recently been reading manga but so far i find reading manga is a great way to finish the day off, usually read manga in bed where i can get comfy and away from the noise of the TV and computers, usually read about 4 chapters a day. Tried reading manga at work during my lunch break but...
  6. G

    guess these 5

    The 2nd one is Ropponmatsu from Excel saga. BTW next time you might want yo change the file name of the image before you post ^^. Guess i cheated to find that one out.
  7. G

    How many anime DVDs do you own at home?

    Heres my DVD collection (PC games, films, TV shows as well), although its not the best picture but you get the idea.
  8. G

    Rapture is pulled from Sky's EPG

    Was considering joining Sky soon (not just for this channel) but after this and the whole virgin media thing i think i would rather not give my money over to such a greedy company. Would be great if virgin media would pick up this channel...
  9. G

    Favourite Anime couple

    Gotta be Kaname Chidori & Sousuke Sagara for me, such a hilarious combination don’t think Full Metal Panic would be as good without them :)
  10. G

    Madlax vol.7

    Out of interest has anyone here order Maxlax vol.7 and received it earlier than expected? I have just noticed that the release date for it is next week and well i ordered mine before the new year from and received my copy in the 2nd week of January. Anyone else had...
  11. G

    What manga are you reading now?

    Cheeky Angel vol.5 , been pretty good so far :)
  12. G

    Why do you like manga?

    I guess i like manga because the art style is more appealing than comics, also like to try and read manga that i have already watched the anime to. Never used to read books before, but the story lines in some of the recent manga i have read have got me hooked :)
  13. G

    The interminable wait for the next volume.

    I do find it a tad annoying at times with some series, atm i am waiting on My-Hime vol.5 but i just fill the time with fan subs and other complete DVD sets i bought previously. But if it wasn't so long between release dates i would end up bankrupting myself buying so much anime ^^ , always...
  14. G

    Expensive Obsession

    I try not to buy too much anime now and look out for the bargin stuff, but recently theres been alot of bargin anime to buy so i still spending alot of money when i need to save it >_< Musta spent close to £500 on anime this year so far :S ah well
  15. G

    How often do you watch anime?

    Usually about 3 episodes a day, would watch more but got too many other interests ^^ But do get the odd day where i could end up losing my whole day to anime ;)
  16. G

    Things are on the up!

    Yeah things are on the up in regards to buying anime, but my bank account balance is now 'on the down' :(, gah soo much cheap anime to buy... I was meant to be saving money this month as well :P, ah well will have to do that next month :) and hope there isn't too much cheap anime i want ^^.
  17. G

    US anime industry moving into online digital distro.

    Not sure if it would catch on that much, me personally i like to collect the boxsets (although i am running out of room to store them :P) and the idea of buying anime that is stored digitially doesn't appeal to me. But on the other handset i do download and watch a few fansubs, if they were...
  18. G

    Anime Survey (Project research, hope you join in) thanks ^_^

    Age: 20 (21 in June) Do you watch Anime? What sort of question is that :P wouldn't be here otherwise ;) Where do you watch anime? DVD's Anime Fansubs Rapture TV Do you also read Manga? Yes What genre/s of Anime or Manga you enjoy? Anime: Will watch anything but mainly...
  19. G

    Upcomming Boxsets...

    Thanks for the tip off, wasn't going to buy this but it would be an insult not to at least give it a try at that price :). If it is a misprint i hope HMV will honour the price listed at initially.
  20. G

    NEO - what do you think?

    I have been subscribed to Neo for about 14 months now, i find it a good read, i tend not to read many articals on the internet but travel alot so gives me chance to catch up on a few things. For the price i think its more than worth buying.