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  1. X

    Pics, everyone

    Well if it offends you take it up with him in private message or Paul and dont run your mouth of on open boards, firstly spoiling a good thread and secondly dragging others into your disputes.
  2. X

    Ritsuka =/

    Think that closer objects are bigger than further away objects, you could also try using perspective lines. 1 Point Perspective 2 Point Perspective Im unsure whether these will help much, but just keep in mind that the farther away from the point your drawing the smaller it needs to be...
  3. X

    One Piece

    That is such a shame really, episode 50 of 4kids version is about episode 70 Japanese.
  4. X

    Pics, everyone

    This is how the arguements started last time, I think you need to calm down and take it as a joke because Im sure thats how he ment it. If anything you took his comment and made a mountain out of a molehill.
  5. X


    I think your similar to me with, having a 'bay guy' starting off having no soul or feelings towards other and finally starting to get close to another character, but BAM they die. Also I recommend Claymore if you like Lust, Teresa from Claymore is very similar a character.
  6. X

    Neon Genesis Evangelion

    I cant remember anymore, so I cant back up my claim, but at the time I remember thinking there was no point to the series and felt it was way over hyped. I may have to do the unthinkable and rewatch it... definantly with subs this time though.
  7. X

    The Great Firewall of China This site is blocked :D
  8. X

    Neon Genesis Evangelion

    It was a whiney little emo boy called Shinji that put me off the most, as well and the nonsensical plot line as well.. People look way to deep into the series and find meanings that arent there.
  9. X


    Welcome and yes Lust is the best homuculus :D It was so wrong of them to kill her off and not have her in the movie ;(
  10. X

    Neon Genesis Evangelion

    Sounds like your a euorpean, Propeller TV is a channel (195) on Sky in the UK. I really didnt like Evangelion, its like marmite really, you either love it or hate it, I hated it.
  11. X

    What you guys doing right now.

    What is your work? You seem to do nothing all day.
  12. X

    Your anime viewing journal

    Claymore 11 One Piece 77 & 78
  13. X

    What you guys doing right now.

    ^^ Se7en awesome film. Off to watch Mallrats.
  14. X

    Are you turning into a Manga/Anime character?

    It seems everyone can relate to L is some way, I tend to think like L, not to his standard, but thinking from all angles before taking a step, kind of thing.
  15. X

    Ritsuka =/

    It needs perspective, its the hardest thing to do while drawing, so keep practising :D.
  16. X

    Viz Media clamping down on Death Note fansubs

    The lastest date is 22nd June for all torrents and fansubbing to come to a halt, 4 days before the final episode. You know someone is going to sub and leak out the last episode anyway.
  17. X

    the three word story game

    but found Jamie
  18. X

    The palindromic post count thread

    Acronym, a term where letters stand for something... FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation NCIS - Naval Criminal of Investigation Service CSI - Crime Scene Investigation Often drop non important letters. I feel this is becoming a dictionary thread :D
  19. X

    GITS:SAC (Fan-service, Not-safe-for-work)

    Pfft, 4chan rox0rs.
  20. X

    What you guys doing right now.

    'Singing' along to Hit In The USA