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    Hey There :D

    Lo and welcome.
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    Irrational Fears you had when young

    I had and still have an irrational paranoia... if that counts, I bet nearly everyone here has this one too. When you walk past 2 people and they start laughing, you always think they're laughing at you.
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    Pics, everyone

    We all know Emos only self harm. Thats why fighting an Emo is pointless.
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    Songs you like and dislike at this moment in time.

    All Feeder songs.
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    Manhunt 2 - BANNED

    They probably saved us from a worthless game. Now onto all those movie to game garbage.
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    the three word story game

    3,000 years later
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Black Lagoon volume 1 arrived, why do they put really sticky stickers on the tin case. That pisses me off so much, other than that snazzy case, yet to check out the dub though.
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    Which anime can you recommend?

    Jayme you whore, Im supposed to be the only person on this board to mention MONSTER, but at 74 episodes and hard to obtain I think its quite a task for the newer anime watcher. It depends on whether you like long or short series, Im a person for the longer series. I would recommend...
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    'One Piece' Original Opening

    Thats what I ment, its not like Zoro is a very hard word to pronounce in english.
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    'One Piece' Original Opening

    I kind of think its too late for One Piece, 4kids have messed its reputation up so badly nothing can bring it back, plus Funi would have to redo to first 143 episodes because 4kids have cut 39 of those episodes out. Also the Sanji's lollipop and Zoro being Zolo, I highly doubt Ill bother with...
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    Some Vectors

    Thinking about doing some wallpapers lately so decided to do some renders I can use for them, Ginko was done completely in Photoshop, but for Gohan I decided to to the Line Art in Illustrator the colour and shade it in Photoshop. Mushishi's Ginko Original and Dragonball Z's Gohan...
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    What film or story would you like to see as an anime?

    That is an anime. Film Green Mile Se7en Lord of the Rings Die Hard Saving Private Ryan - There arent any second world war anime, I can guess why I suppose. Hot Fuzz :D TV Scrubs :P Heroes - Would work the best
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    Your anime viewing journal

    Haruhi - 6-10 - Still got my attention, I dont know why either, its a bit like Mushishi where is just has a little twinkle about it that keeps you going. Death Note - 30-33 DBZ - 36-39
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    To watch or not to watch ??

    Ive seen the first 13 episodes and it didnt hook me at all, so I move onto One Piece which did :D, of the 'big' 4 (DBZ, Bleach, One Piece and Naruto) I'd say Naruto was the lesser of the shows, I will be starting on Naruto again once Ive caught up on One Piece, just because I need my hit of...
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    Your anime viewing journal

    xD Haruhi - 1-5 - Confusing programing order, but Im very suprised by this one, I thought it was gonna be just another slice of life anime that I'd drop after 2 episodes.
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    Pics, everyone

    Do you actually care what other people label you as, you should just ignore others comments and be your individual self.
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    VIZ Media Clamping Down On Death Note Fan Subbers

    There will be, there just wont be the last episode of Death Note subbed, the cut off date is the 22nd the last episode is aired on the 26th (I think) in Japan.
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    Anyone here like Lolicon?

    I have to agree if it is actually helping stop people abusing real children, but the propblem is, this stuff may actually may get people to think or so the real thing. Swings and roundabouts really.
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    The Great Firewall of China

    Anything with outside knowledge of the world is blocked, I have no idea how China can or will evolve their society with the much abuse, but its little wonder why everyone over there is making bootlegs.