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  1. H

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    No postmen where hurt in the veiwing of this DVD :P Got SEED vol 4 the other day and 3 shipped yestarday, finally!
  2. H

    British dub for Millenium Actress & more news from Manga

    Thats the plan Madman had from the start so i cant see it changing now that Manga are involved given that they are just helping with the financing and dont have have much, or possibly any, creative control. As for MA i cant say i consider them using a UK cast over a US one is a good thing...
  3. H

    Ghost In The Shell : Innocence theatrical premiere

    Cool! if this isnt being shown here ill be heading to London at some point
  4. H

    15th August UK anime releases

    While Gundam Seed Vol.3 was delayed Vol.4 was released, I got mine from yesterday morning.
  5. H

    Zeta Gundam

    Probably not but when the 0079 novels came out no one thought that Amuro would die, the Pegasus (White Base) would defect to Zeon just before they won the war and Char took over, not to mentiton Amuro getting Sayla into bed Needless to say Tomino could change things more than you'd expect.
  6. H

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    I do that all the time! cant read western comics (or Appleseed :( ) at all anymore
  7. H

    Zeta Gundam

    Very far fetched, he's gone so fara s to deny it publicly, although he will be making some changes to the continuity. I dount he make wholesale changes espically ones that big but then again after reading the 0079 novels nothing he's does surprises me who knows Camile might die, the Argama might...
  8. H

    Beez plans for autumn?

    They probably thought it was a typo and 'fixed' it, and either way the greek is ΠΛΑΝΗΤΕΣ not Planetes they just used the extra e because it looked more like the greek
  9. H

    Zeta Gundam

    Well yeah that would have been nice but that was never going to happen because of the huge cost involved, the sub thing was down to them messing up not the cost so they should have fixed it.
  10. H

    Zeta Gundam

    Still they should have teken the oppertunity to fix the problem, ah well wont stop me getting them. The only reason i didnt get the boxset was not wanting to be stuck with a dud disk 4 as Bandai wont ship the replacements to europe.
  11. H


    Dont bother with the original watch the new one and read the manga. Btw for those that have seen the movie was anyone else surprised that Yoshi's landmate/motorbike wasnt in it? Shnji Aramaki, the director, pretty much invented the concept of a transforming motorboke and Shirow has said that...
  12. H

    Zeta Gundam

    BTW does anyone know if the new R1 release of Zeta will have proper subs or will it have the dubtitles the boxset had?
  13. H

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Got the GITS SAC PS2 game today, for a mere 5 Euro and got vol.1 of the Genshiken manga
  14. H

    Most anticipated August UK release?

    OK anyone know whats up with SEED 3&4? I got a shipping noticed from saying 4 has been sent but its now saying that 3 has been delayed a week! :shock: Anyone know whats up with it?
  15. H

    New Hellsing OVA screenshots

    BTW accroding to this month Young King magazine the first part of the OVA will be out in december and they'll have a special on it next month, along with the resuption of Hellsing; The Dawn :D, so there should be lots of new info on it by the.
  16. H


    LOL nice one
  17. H

    Found a good cosplay site inst in english but has great pics
  18. H

    New Hellsing OVA screenshots

    Me neither, no word on a release date yet i take it?
  19. H

    Most anticipated August UK release?

    The third Gundam Movie, Encounters in Space, mainly because ive been waiting since July 11th for it!
  20. H

    More Gundam movies on the way

    Well it done well in the US long before Zeta came out so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Ive been holding off seeing CCA and F91 until the DVD's where out so i just hope they dont get delayed repeatedly like Encounters in Space is :(