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  1. H

    Beez to release Gunbuster 2 in the UK as soon as March '08

    Well i only noticed three minor spelling errors in the whole show and im a fansub qc'er so im pretty good a picking up on things, you'd have to be extremely anal to let them stop you buying a great show.
  2. H

    anime on dvd's

    No its simply a technical issue, ushio is exactly right its simiply down to the fact it takes different amounts of time to say the same thing in different languages so if you used a literal translation on a dub the voices would be completly off from the movement of the characters lips. Its...
  3. H

    For those that have seen all of Gundam Seed...

    She is one of the most interesting and one of the few properly developed characters who proved pivotal to the plot... But that doesn't change the fact she is an absolute bitch to deserved to die horribly!
  4. H

    Beez to release Gunbuster 2 in the UK as soon as March '08

    HAHA! sucks to be you :P I'd say there are alot of people in a similar boat that never expected this to be released here and are now annoyed at having to pay the rather high BV USA price for it, if i'd have known about it i'd have waited.
  5. H

    Beez to release Gunbuster 2 in the UK as soon as March '08

    They should release the remaster of the original aswell. Still good to see this getting a release, espically one thats so much cheaper than the R1 version
  6. H

    Are ADV going bust or something?

    This is most likely a cost cutting measure, as things are they have to pay a large licence fee to use the name Newtype so they most likley just want to cut that cost. Also ADV isn't the largest anime company in the us FUNimation is, its also backed by the Navarre corporation which is a huge...
  7. H

    Dattebayo stops subbing Naruto

    What he means is that the fact they said something like that is a sign its a troll, DB never take things seriously so the fact they wrote something like that is an obvious sign its a troll. Give it a couple of weeks and they'll release something and put a YHBT note on it
  8. H

    Trinity Blood

    No they didnt, theres two series of novels the anime is based on the first, the reason for the ending being like it is is that the it ends where the frst set of novels does before the story is resolved in the second set. Incidentally the story isn't incomplete either, just before the time of...
  9. H

    Dattebayo stops subbing Naruto

    Bleach and Naruto dont air again until the middle of January and they just finished Genshiken so they have nothing to release for a few weeks anyway so they just done this to scare the people dumb enough to fall for it, they're probably hoping that it will scare some people into not uploading to...
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    I have the DVD's theres an option for subs with no signs and one for subs with signs, who ever ripped it was an idiot who ripped the wrong sub stream (and uploaded it to youtube which is dumb enough on its own)
  11. H

    Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade

    Theres a Live action blood in the works atm, theres some screen shots floating around the net for it. As for Jin-Roh its part of a series of 4 movies called the Kerberos Saga, the first two Stray Dog and Red Spectacles are avaiable subbed on R1 DVD and the foruth is due for release in japan...
  12. H

    New US anime licenses; Manga is "over in Japan"; X-Men shojo

    Al Khan in being-a-moron shock! :P
  13. H

    Vic Mignogna at Eirtakon in 2008; Amecon 2008 filling up

    Just one thing it wasn't our maiden event, we've been going since 2005, Eirtakon 2008 will be our fourth convention
  14. H

    Anime Network on the fall?

    Yeah as things stand AC have shows from Manga, Beez, Revelations and Metrodome so ADV and MVM are the only ones missing but they are the two major ones. AC will probably need at least one of those two to sign on to continue to show the best of anime released in the UK. ADV may have been...
  15. H

    Anime Network on the fall?

    Business wise it would be much better for them to enter a partnership with AC as it would be mutually beneficial to both parties, it would remove competition and give both parties access to more resources to improve their service. This would also strengthen them against the thread of new...
  16. H

    Vic Mignogna to attend Eirtakon 08 in Dublin

    Outlawstar do you know what the story with Tomo-dachi is? They never sent us an ad for our conbook and they've normally announced dates long before now. ADV could well attend the con, we plan to invite them and Revelations given one of ADV and FUNi's biggest actors will be there. As for...
  17. H

    Vic Mignogna to attend Eirtakon 08 in Dublin

    Not much atm, we have chosen a date, again in november but need to confirm it before it's announced. We chose the provisional committee tonight and for now what we're planning is mostly a lot more of the same, more anime, more cosplay, more panels but with a few other events and...
  18. H

    Vic Mignogna to attend Eirtakon 08 in Dublin

    Shame, it was a great con. I actually wish we had an exact figure on attendance, we had at least 418 but we where letting parents accompanying kids in for free and we stopped counting them at 12, the 418 counts them as 12 but we recoken it was actually in the high 420's we just don't like...
  19. H

    Vic Mignogna to attend Eirtakon 08 in Dublin

    Well Eirtakon 07 MK II was on in Dublin this weekend, the con was a huge sucess with almost a doubling of attendance (from 240 last time to nearly 420 this time) and a huge cosplay contingent but the biggest news came at the closing ceremony when we announced that Vic Mignogna would be next...
  20. H

    Dragonball movie officially confirmed; set for summer '08

    No they just want to get it done before the strike shuts down production, so its going to be very hastily written and most likely filmed without the screen writer on set to do re-writes, explain scene choices, plot elements etc. A few movies are being done like this because of the strike and...