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  1. W

    Easy to Marathon Anime?

    Has to be Excel Saga for me. After a couple of episodes, even if I am on a major downer I will be giggling like hell and will just have to keep going - and I have done so many times. Azumanga does similar, but for the kawaiiness was well as the humor (Osaka is of course, a classic)
  2. W

    Worst Endings Eva(ngelion)?

    Not that I am a fan of Eva at all, the ending was, without doubt, the single worst excuse for an ending of ANY series (Anime or not) I have managed to sit through. Completely without excuse. (even Russel T. Davis' repeated Deus Ex Machina's in the new Doctor Who weren't as bad as that)...
  3. W

    Miyazaki - a bit boring?

    I agree with you in this case - I consider Porco Rosso Miyazaki's weakest film. (I did mention it on another thread) One of the reasons I feel that is the same as yours - the characters are rather flat compared to some of his other films, and the fight scenes are hamstrung by studio interference...
  4. W

    What is your favourite manga?

    Though I have been reading for a while, only managed a few series so far. I'd have to say Nausicaa, which is a far better story than the anime managed, much more complex, and much more mind twisting. Battle Angel Alita is extremely good as well, but does have its moments of meh scattered...
  5. W

    What do you like the most about anime?

    The complete freedom to do virtually anything. Seriously, Films are limited by actors and many other constraints, Anime is limited by almost nothing. Particularly in the plot department. I may not be a fan of some Anime Genres, but the simple fact that they can and do exist is something which...
  6. W

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Of course you could argue that the Wachowski brothers simply felt "We can just steal this because only a load of geeks will know where we stole it from" (Probably true for 1999) As for the date, many lay people, if they watched GITS without knowing anything about the background to it, would...
  7. W


    Of your list, either Azumanga or Ouran - both extremely funny in different ways. Yet since you are going for Comedy, I had to vote other because Nothing beats Excel Saga for me. Funniest thing I think I have ever watched.
  8. W

    Earthsea and other adaptations

    Well I've read the first two earthsea books (I'm not sure why I never finished them though, they were quite good) and while I felt the story of the film was rather blunt and straight forward, I still think it was a reasonable adaptation. It is certainly much, much better than that horrible...
  9. W

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Ironic really since the chain of influence is actually the other way around!
  10. W

    Earthsea and other adaptations

    I thought I'd bring this up as the original topic vanished (the discussion about it however, was offtopic anyway :P) Basically, people were saying Tales from Earthsea was extremely bad etc. Partially due to the adaption issues. My reply, which seemed to end the topic (implying something? :P)...
  11. W

    What series do you think should get a reboot?

    *shrug* doesn't matter to me. I'm a person who if I like something, I will watch it repeatedly for a while and pick up nuances and all that. I watched Serial Experiements Lain 3 times through the first week I got it for example. Didn't matter that I knew the story in general terms.
  12. W

    What series do you think should get a reboot?

    I'm finding out what a series is about before I stay up half the night watching it. I mean, I usually read a blurb about anything I watch before I do which I think most people would do. Even outlines suggest a dark story. The execution however, was very poor in my eyes.
  13. W

    What series do you think should get a reboot?

    Forgot Alita! Read through all the Manga a few months back and think it is a brilliant series. A bit disconnected in parts (The last order reboot was a bit odd to start with, but picked up) but great fun, and nice to see a female protagonist in an action series not treated as a piece of Moe :P
  14. W

    What series do you think should get a reboot?

    Well I have yet to hear anyone but a rabid fan of the series call the last two episodes anything but horrible. And most people I have asked also call the cast extremely unlikable. Most of these people being more casual anime fans than me. However I think it is a perfectly honest criticism of...
  15. W

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Kino's Journey 7/10 I worked my way through this series over the last week. Generally I am not much a fan of 'monster of the week' series which are unconnected from one episode to the next, but in this case I found myself rather surprised in places. Kino is a very likable character, and the...
  16. W

    What series do you think should get a reboot?

    I probably prefer New Dominion Tank Police overall. I love them both, but I felt the more integrated story of the NDTP was better - the first episode of the original was probably the best single episode though. Appleseed would have been great as well. I have got the original Anime OVA (I...
  17. W

    What series do you think should get a reboot?

    Ugh. I am a huge fan of Nadesico - it was the first Anime series I watched along with Blue Gender (alright) and Evangelion (Terrible, but an argument i've had before) but Prince of Darkness was HORRIBLE. I think there was a discussion here years ago where loads agreed with me on that one. The...
  18. W

    Studio Ghibli possibly closing?

    Fair enough comments for the most part and a perfectly valid opinion - I'm certainly not trying to put my opinions on anyone! (I mean, I think Evangelion is absolutely awful, but that is a different argument all together) However as to lack of respect to source material, Miyazaki Senior is...
  19. W

    Anime moments that made you cry/scream "NOOOOO!!!"

    Probably 'We've made a crap series, lets make it go out in style' (Not an evangelion fan as some will know)
  20. W

    Paprika foreshadows Kon's new movie the Dream Machine

    If I ever manage to write anything publishable, I'll make sure a) never to sell movie rights and b) put in my will NEVER to sell the movie rights. To Holywood at least :P