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  1. D

    Your anime viewing journal

    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Episode 20 The brilliance of the manga is shining through more and more as the anime becomes progressively more faithful to it, and the emotional impact of some of the scenes in this episode were amplified hugely by the use of music, which obviously the manga...
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    The General Conversation Area

    Later Wolf. I lol'd at your avatar Will.
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    The General Conversation Area

    I'm in a semi detached, I've got nice-guy hunter brian and his miserable nurse wife, they're fine, minus the seven dogs we've got to put up with. Or more accurately, I have to put up with, being in the bedroom closest. Then on the other side we've got Ian. well... the less said about him the...
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    PS3 goes Slimline

    Agreed, I was verging on buying one before they removed the backwards compatability.
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    What did you RECEIVE today?

    Kino's Journey arrived today! It's in a nice box and the cover is really attractive, it's a shame about the garish discs (bright green, ugh!) but I assume this is because they were unchanged from the R1 releases.
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    What you guys doing right now.

    milk is a cereal only deal for me
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    Funimation to resume One Piece Simulcast

    I really hope FUNimation aren't stupid enough to let lightning strike thrice
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    PS3 goes Slimline

    wonder what the regular one will cost
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    Anndd it's done. Thanks for all the input, it came out so much better because of your help. Hope you don't mind if I continue to blog my every passing thought here when I'm doing a piece, because it seems to be helping. d:
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    Work from an Otaku

    nice work, I like the colouring style - and the proportions are much more accurate then usual d:
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    Haruhi Season 2 soon enough?

    Either that - or it is the most ingenious marketing scheme known to man and it's just not finished yet.
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    Passion for a series

    Okay I'm not exactly sure where this topic is headed but it doesn't look productive. Either we should get back on topic or somebody should lock it.
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    Passion for a series

    You're doing it again
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    Well I only really followed his hair line for line, I just used the reference for the rest to make sure I was staying on the style, and I changed the shirt completely. Yeah, I was thinking of thickening the lineart, I think I'll try that. Upon you mentioning it I've noticed some problems with...
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    Funimation Video Service Becomes Localised

    I'm almost giving up on it now.
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    What Games Are You Playing?

    Hahaha, good times.
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    Passion for a series

    Wait... whose side are you arguing here? Perhaps people who are irritated to no end by douchebags online ranting about it, who insult anybody who disagrees with you about anything? You don't have to act like you're protecting your newborn baby just to prove how loyal you are to a series...