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  1. C

    1 word to describe your day

    Smarties (I have now tried Smarties cereal!)
  2. C

    Death Note Talk

    You could get a bit of audience interaction going and ask what others in your class might do with a death note or which use in the manga they feel was the more favourable. But as said before talk about Light and his morality etc
  3. C

    Count to a Million

  4. C


    Mine are usually quite happy or just random with no real emotion in it. An example of a random one was where me and my friend were hanging out with his geography teacher and we were discussing the question? "What is better than fireworks?!" We could think of nothing better for some reason. I...
  5. C

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    One Piece Volume 11 Dragonball Volume 2 Spirited Away (What a film!!!) Princess Mononoke (Looking foward to this one too - it was either between this or Grave of The Fireflies)
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    Count to a Million

  7. C

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just started Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
  8. C

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Fight Club 10/10 Some really good messages in there. Clever, funny (at points) and well acted! One of my favourites!
  9. C

    Good luck Tomorrow^_^

    Yeah I remember taking those and I did a lot better than I thought I did! and I suck at science so I'm sure all will be fine!