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  1. SnowWolf

    UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

    I'm hoping they'll show the box art for Lucky Star and Claymore.
  2. SnowWolf

    Upcoming UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Artwork

    Fullmetal Alchemist Collector's Edition artwork has popped up on Amazon. Part 1 Part 2
  3. SnowWolf

    UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

    Andrew, Fruits Basket is getting a Blu ray in Japan! アニメ「フルーツバスケット」がBD-BOX化、トレカや声優陣の対談映像付き Is anyone at Anime Limited a fan?
  4. SnowWolf

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Fruits Basket's getting a Blu Ray in Japan! アニメ「フルーツバスケット」がBD-BOX化、トレカや声優陣の対談映像付き
  5. SnowWolf

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Two dub clips have been released. Tai encounters Kuwagamon. Greymon vs Kuwagamon (Brave Heart intact!) Regal Cinemas on Twitter
  6. SnowWolf

    UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

    Doesn't Manga own the rights to Ouran and Eden of the East? How did Anime Limited get the ok to do a collector's edition of those?
  7. SnowWolf

    UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

    I did wonder if I was being a bit thick, thanks Andrew!
  8. SnowWolf

    UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

    Is it me or does the Your Lie in April box art actually say "Your iie in April"? If so I hope that gets fixed.
  9. SnowWolf

    Upcoming UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Artwork

    Anime Limited The Case of Hana & Alice Your Lie in April
  10. SnowWolf

    Upcoming UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Artwork

    Anime Limited Ouran Collector's Blu Ray Boxart
  11. SnowWolf

    UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

    I thought they were trying to get Erased out in one set or did that not work out?
  12. SnowWolf

    UK Anime Distributor Crunchyroll/Funimation/Manga UK Discussion Thread

    It's been confirmed that their Digimon Tri release will have dual audio making it the first Digimon release to do so in the west.
  13. SnowWolf

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    I can't wait for Digimon Tri since Toei is trying to reunite the old cast for the dub. Since they've announced that the dub will have different music, I wonder if Manga could include a third option of viewing the English voices with the Japanese music.
  14. SnowWolf

    [Overseas] Anime News & Announcements

    Re: [Overseas] US/Foreign Anime News & Announcements More VAs confirmed for the Digimon Tri Dub
  15. SnowWolf

    [Overseas] Anime News & Announcements

    Re: [Overseas] US/Foreign Anime News & Announcements Digimon Tri dub news From Jeff Nimoy's facebook page, which I think has been taken down. Don't fire him! He knows not what he does! But Johnny Yong Bosch as T.K? That's strangely fitting as I always thought Doug's voice was a bit deep...
  16. SnowWolf

    Anime UK News Awards & Customer Satisfaction Survey 2015 Results

    I love that Sailor Moon was the release people wanted most. I believe we will get it...someday. Rumor has it Toei's doing their own remaster of the series. Maybe they're waiting for that. Viz's Blu ray has been criticized but would people buy it if it was DVD only.
  17. SnowWolf

    Introducing Anime to Non-Fans

    What anime series/film did you pick and how did they react? I've yet to do this, but I'm curious about other peoples stories.
  18. SnowWolf

    Buying any Anime for Friends or Family for Christmas?

    Me neither really. All I can do is try to indoctrinate my siblings kids when they get to the right age. She's getting Sailor Moon for her birthday next year. Also since I've got the Blu ray, I'm sending my Baccano DVD to a friend, whether he wants it or not.
  19. SnowWolf

    Buying any Anime for Friends or Family for Christmas?

    What are you buying them? I'm getting my 8 year old niece the anime "Princess Tutu" and the first Kingdom Hearts omnibus.
  20. SnowWolf

    [Overseas] Anime News & Announcements

    OK, hope we can get a UK release for that sometime.