Search results

  1. S

    ADV UK appeal to the community

    I've already began collecting Gilgamesh on R1, but out of the selection I've voted it. Gatchaman may be retro but i'm indifferent to it. The UK does not deserve the horrors of Samurai Gun, Area 88 or Yugo!
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    Ok, only one episode has aired, but I felt it was rather good. The animation exceeds Hime, and the characters so far have been interesting, especially Shizuzu. I think with the set-up provided, the show could excel in all that its precursor did, and then some. I hope the same level of quality...
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    Tsubasa Chronicle

    Just wait until Outo. ;)
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    Blood +

    Like everyone else, I enjoyed this episode, and will definatly be downloading next week. It's presented very well; as Red said, it was most certainly an introductory episode, but one that shows promise.
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    Round Two, Battle Five: Ichigo vs. Sousuke

    Ichigo likewise, while Sousuke's (mis)adventures are enjoyable, I far prefer Bleach's plethora of developed characters.
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    What Games Are You Playing?

    I beg to differ; Tactics Advance really wasn't a patch on the original, Crystal Chronicles gave "shallow" a new meaning even with mutliplayer; at least X-2 lacked a large presence of Tidus. And how could I forget Mystic Quest!
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    How big is your manga collection?

    Manga is an interest that increased as my desire to watch anime did so; like most, my manga collection is sadly smaller than my anime collection, but it keeps growing. After today's arrivals, I've counted 203.
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    Anime UK News 'Manga Top 5'

    Sadly, the lack of scans hurts me somewhat, since several series I've read predominatly scanned (although of course i'll purchase them when new volumes become avaiable) fall into my favourites - Gantz, Monster, HxH, H&C, Emma et al. This was a hard choice; poor HxH really should have made it...
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    Round Two, Battle Five: Ichigo vs. Sousuke

    It's the final week of the second round, once again Bleach's Ichigo takes centre stage as he combats FMP's Sousuke. Mangaminx's thread of delectation this week contains Escaflowne's Hitomi and Azumanga's Osaka, so haul yourself over there and get voting! If you don't leave a comment after your...
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    Create the perfect RPG!

    No, this isn't a thread about RPG Maker, although that's certainly a worthy topic. Basically, it's a gathering together of several hollow thread ideas into one. Firstly, do you prefer a classic rpg style world map, or a connecting world of locations? Secondly, do you prefer random...