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  1. R

    MVM to release FLCL on UK DVD, and possibly Haruhi too?

    Damn, how did I miss this thread? FLCL is a masterpiece, Haruhi is a masterpiece of fluff, and I'll be buying both of them ^^ And I'm surprised Haruhi is being mentioned for UK release so soon, I heard the licensing costs were pretty darn high.
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    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

    Mmm, I definitely noticed a change in the animation. The company doing the animation production is the same as last season (SHAFT), so I guess they're just showing off an expanded budget?
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    Air and Kanon coming to UK?

    Huh, I thought One and Clannad were the other way around... anyway, since they're releasing Air and Kanon I imagine they'll release Clannad in due course (i.e. a couple years, since it's still airing at the moment). As to One... they've made 2 OVA adaptations, (one H, the other non-H, iirc), and...
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    Hell Girl and Simoun

    You're absolutely right, and I think that the series tries to get that message across to people. A kind of cautionary tale, if you will.
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    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

    Yes, but no subs out yet, far as I can tell. Hope Strato picks up this season too...
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    Rosario + Vampire

    I was... about 10 seconds into the show before I facepalmed, blasphemed, and in an instant knew what the rest of the episode would be like. I wasn't wrong. Sure, technically it could be seen as being unfair to pass judgement on a series so quickly, but sometimes ya just know, and there's no...
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    Genshiken manga-ka on perception of otaku in Japan

    Ditto, darn good interview. For all that it's his imagination, I laughed and groaned at how recognizable they were ^^
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    Nargis looks back on her year with Naruto

    Link should be Reading the article was a little odd in a way, I didn't know that Naruto was having such an impact... guess I'm outta touch ^^;
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    Hell Girl and Simoun

    Short answer: - Simoun is good, Hell Girl (Jigoku Shoujo) looked kinda meh and I didn't bother watching all of it. First thing to mention about Simoun is that it's a shoujo-ai/yuri series (or "girls kissing", to avoid confusing terminology), so if you don't like that, forget about it. Simoun...
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    When does Naruto finish?

    Some people like the filler. Also, from what I remember, the tv ratings (in Japan) for the filler weren't significantly lower compared to other episodes of the series. Which kinda indicates that outside of the 'hardcore' market, most people won't care/notice the difference. Although, I'd think...
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    When does Naruto finish?

    Hmm, I dunno, since I assume they've licenced the whole thing (can't get partial release licences, as far as I'm aware), is it really likely they'd not release 85 episodes? Quite a potential hit to their profits... assuming people'd buy them in the first place.
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    Welcome to the NHK

    I gave up on the anime a few episodes in, but I love the manga. I noticed the novel when I first started to buy the manga, but after reading this review (scroll down) I wasn't sure about buying it. I'll probably consider buying it again once I've finished the manga, and know if I want to read more.
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    New anime shows starting this weekend

    Well, it's certainly licensed for DVD release in France, and from ANN it looked like maybe Spain and the Netherlands were on the way at least. Aren't there separate licences for doing a tv showing and a dvd release? I thought there were... if that was the case, they could just be looking at the...
  14. R

    Air and Kanon coming to UK?

    And that was just mine :wink: . But seriously, as you didn't give any reasons, there wasn't anything to give discussion on ^^ However, I guess that - - counts as some sort of reason, so I'll respond to it. Firstly, while both Air and Kanon have characters exhibiting serveral...
  15. R

    Air and Kanon coming to UK?

    Cannon is a homonym, and canon is the correct english spelling of kanon (which is german, I think) when referring to the musical term from which the series takes it's name. OH U. I was wondering how long it'd be til you showed up with something like this :P As such, I have specially...
  16. R

    Hiroki Endo's Eden, it's an endless world

    I picked up the first one a while back. It was... ok. Maybe I'm too used to dsytopian/post-apocalyptic settings, but the plot didn't really catch my attention. Also, the characters didn't get that much development (the world and setting got more), which left me not especially caring what would...
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    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

    I thought that Martin did some damn fine posts on the series on his blog, so you may want to check them out. Personally, I thought it was fun in short bursts of, say, an episode at a time. The humour is black and dry, often verbal or social, very different from usual anime fare. On top of...
  18. R

    Air and Kanon coming to UK?

    Oh wow! I was worried that they might not get released here, being series with limited appeal and all (as I see things, anyway), but I held off importing the US releases on the hope they might. Looks like that may have paid off (although, not paid off in the sense of saving me money, of course...
  19. R

    Japan starts crack down on fansubs and scanlations

    Yes and no. The manga I download is stuff that hasn't been officially released in english, like Narutaru, Bokurano, Helter Skelter, Kagen no Tsuki... it's the only way I'd get to read it, and since no-one's losing any cash because of it, why not? I'd much prefer to have those given proper...