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  1. R

    American producers look to remake Battle Royale

    Ah yes Infernal Affair's, that will probably be pretty decent though seeing as its being directed by Martin Scorsese, but still it seems pretty unesscecary.
  2. R

    American producers look to remake Battle Royale

    Hollywood really is irritating me, as If the remake's of Ring, The Grudge and other J-Horror movies wasn't enough, not only is Battle Royale and Oldboy on the cards, but A Tale of Two Sisters is also set to be remade and Seven Samurai which apparently will have Zhang Ziyi (has america not...
  3. R

    I'm looking for an anime

    It does look like a CG cap, its probably just something someones drawn though.
  4. R

    American producers look to remake Battle Royale

    I think in this case Battle Royale is going to be much worse than Oldboy, sure Oldboy won't be Oldboy without the incest but I dont think the re-make will get such a raw deal that Battle Royale will.
  5. R

    American producers look to remake Battle Royale

    I liked BR2, but the directors cut is miles better.
  6. R

    American producers look to remake Battle Royale

    Technically the reason why it hasn't been released in the US is something to do with Toho's asking price, apparently there somewhat outrageous, the thought of anyone remaking Battle Royale turns my stomach but Americans? No thanks, I dont want some toned down PG-13 no social commentary piece of...
  7. R

    Adult Swim UK to be on Bravo on July 8

    I should think so, If not straight away then somewhere down the line (provided it actually gets good ratings of course).
  8. R

    Adult Swim UK to be on Bravo on July 8

    Dont forget shows about Bounty Hunters :D
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    Adult Swim UK to be on Bravo on July 8

    Hopefully this means we'll get a limited release of the upcoming "The Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie Film For Theaters".
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    Adult Swim UK to be on Bravo on July 8

    ATHF is awesome *hugs Mega Meatwad toy while wearing Meatwad Beanie* :D
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    Adult Swim UK to be on Bravo on July 8

    Well I've got the majority of the Adult Swim comedy shows on dvd now anyway (Aqua Teen, Harvey Birdman etc) but its nice to see these great shows will be showing in the UK. Presumalby the deal is only for the "William Street" original shows and not any of the buy-ins, the closet will get to...
  12. R

    New Death Note trailer online

    Apparently its going to be 2 movies, both have been filmed, the first is out this summer in japan and then the second is out in the winter (I think its October but not positive).
  13. R

    Macross? Robotech? I need guidance!

    No Macross is the original japanese show that Robotech used parts of.
  14. R

    London Expo cosplay

    Its a pretty sweet costume I'll give you that.
  15. R

    Cheap box of Wii

    I was incredibly under-whelmed by what was shown at E3 but I'll probably still get it if its only £120.
  16. R

    Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days

    Its not fan-made no, its official.
  17. R

    Keeping on topic

    Arguing with the mods isn't the best idea, and yes you are pretty much spamming.
  18. R

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Ive got Metroid for DS too, I got to the 3rd level and just cant figure out what to do :D So I bought Trauma Centre: Under The Knife... which Im also now stuck on :lol: