Recent content by SciFiBoy

  1. S

    London expo

    I might go, depends on whether or not anyone I know from Uni is, new Sci-Fi and Fantasy soc is starting up when I get back so im hoping people there might go, I always feel such a loser going to these things by myself.
  2. S

    Haruhi film to come with 169 minutes of extras

    cool :) can't wait to get the film, still not seen it so im hoping it looks good on blu-ray!
  3. S

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Summer Wars - 10/10 - excellent film, well worth watching :) (also hello as I have not been on this site for ages!)
  4. S

    Cat ordered to take part in Jury Duty

    frankly I think you overestimate the british media, even broadsheets here report absolute twaddle much of the time
  5. S

    Cat ordered to take part in Jury Duty

    let's hope it doesn't commit PURjury
  6. S

    2011 New Years - Plans and Resolutions

    my resolution is to bring down the government in preperation for the revolution.
  7. S

    What's Your Motto?

    "Live Long and Prosper" or "Tories are Scum, throw sharp things at them"
  8. S

    Rui and Tachi bicker about a moderation

    yeah, cause White British people arent fighting wars in the middle east and killing civilians at all...
  9. S

    12 year old boy may face arrest over Facebook protest-

    sure, but the media didnt fail to cover the polices side of the story fairly, they failed utterly and completley to give fair coverage to the protesters accounts and side of the story. and I did mention, there were a few morons who were out to cause trouble, but that doesnt excuse the police...
  10. S

    12 year old boy may face arrest over Facebook protest-

    well, quite, I despise the monarchy and everything they stand for.
  11. S

    12 year old boy may face arrest over Facebook protest-

    is it true they threatened to shoot him if he had actually gone to his house? crazy ott **** as for the protests on Thursday, as someone who was actually there, I can tell you that while there were a few morons just out to cause trouble, the polices tactics and stuff were appaling, they...
  12. S

    Should religion be an excuse for carrying daggers?

    no, religion is no excuse for breaking the law or endangering others.
  13. S

    Your anime viewing journal

    wub? (internet abrievations have never been my strong point!) yes I saw the bit after the credits where: he walks past her and then turns to tap her on the shoulder :)
  14. S

    London expo licenses!

    it sounds like they are gonna be going for more blu-rays in future too from what they said, at least for movies/shorter series, which is cool (though no good to me atm as my PS3 remains broken)
  15. S

    Your anime viewing journal

    Angel Beats! episodes 10-13 finally finished it! all in all I liked it, but the plot seemed kinda disjointed at times