Recent content by Fayte

  1. F


    Thanks all, really appreciate it =P Mainly into CLAMP, aswell as the Naruto Manga (not so much the anime).
  2. F

    Your viewing journal

    Tales of the Aybss 1-4 CardCaptor Sakura Movie 1
  3. F

    Valkyria Chronicles Anime

    I loved the game, so I just hope the anime is as good and they just dont ruin it. But hey.. I guess time will tell eh. Afterall the "Tales of the Aybss" anime wasnt that bad in my opinion.
  4. F

    NHK World Broadcasting On Sky Platform Ch. 516

    Just watched it this morning, wasnt too bad. I was watching the J-Music program (forgot what they called it again) but that wasnt too bad. the programs seem to differ depending on the day. Which is nice I guess.
  5. F


    Hi all, Names Fayte, nice to meet ya all.