Recent content by Derfel

  1. D

    Final Fantasy XIII, you are my only hope...

    Our tastes greatly differ it would appear. :D
  2. D

    Final Fantasy XIII, you are my only hope...

    One would be required to bash those two horrible mistakes in order to qualify as objective. Frankly, what SE's been doing these past years is bloody fail. The last decent FF I've seen was VIII (excluding Tactics and compilations such as Itadaki Street Portable and whatnot, strictly linearly). SE...
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    Final Fantasy XIII, you are my only hope...

    No you didn't. Any criticism concerning FFXII will invariably be true. On a serious note. I think it is fairly obvious that most FF fans are drooling imbeciles. It is a fact, not a point of moot. Its like part of the whole wapanese thing. The pricks who go around making fanclubs for Sephiroth...
  4. D

    Pick your poison...

    The French cidre isn't bad either. Best beer I've had is called Trade Winds (had it a while back during this beer festival in Aberdeen). I don't normally spend much money on drink either, and when I do I tend to drink alone haha, but now that I'm back in Hungary, should have a few drinks...
  5. D

    Killswitch Engage - New album

    All metalcore is fail. Killswitch Engage is metalcore. Therefore, Killswitch Engage is fail. A sound argument if you ask me. Before coming up with a riposte please look at their Holy Diver cover. Ronnie James Dio = 10-15 Killswitch Engage.
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    Final Fantasy XIII, you are my only hope...

    So then... It would appear.
  7. D

    Final Fantasy XIII, you are my only hope...

    I'm sort of disappointed. No random battles and not proper turn based. What is FF about it then?
  8. D

    Claymore Discussion

    Women with blond hair, with all sorts of fascinating physiological and biological functions (shooting tentacles, regenerating/regrowing limbs, etc., not to mention the amazing stuff the awakened beings can do) ==> Guts. Otherwise, Claymore's is a pretty damn huge world. Sure, Yagi didn't spend...
  9. D

    Explanation of Evangelion Youtube Channel (great stuff)

    Good stuff. I'll have to go through this and watch the thing... again.
  10. D

    Coroners and Justice Bill.....Threat to anime??

    Yes, let us all forget the ends the bill, if enacted, will seek to achieve, to criminalise imagination. Yeah, very few will be affected in the narrow sense, but in a much broader sense, everyone will have lost another right to idiocy, neither the first one nor the last, and it will set precedent...
  11. D

    The rant

    While MGS4 is probably a good riposte to the plot part, it is lacking in other aspects. For all practical purposes it ismore of an interactive film than a game, and the online version is well... an online version, we all know online versions well. :D
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    The rant

    Ok, I have been following two topics in this section of the forums lately, and it sure built up the bitterness inside me. I just wondered, has there actually been a proper masterpiece in the last few years? A game with superb plot, battle system, graphics, cutscenes, style, characters, etc. I...
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    Yeah, people who need to l2p in the most literal sense, because the market is so bloody littered with filth that even that nostalgic feeling, of playing FFVIII despite not being able to understand an English word, is fading away.
  14. D


    Ok wan grate kweschn. Wer da fak is teh tides of turn based rpg? I might be a blind fool with a severe lack of concentration, but I had this feeling over the years that developers seek to amaze us, consumers, with über flashy graphics and flashy combat system, that is primitive as ****. (Umm...
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    Anime Research

    People, I think, are generally used to a high degree of movement in cartoons, whereas anime is a minimum animation medium so that is one reason they could be sceptical. The other reason is the obvious association of animated productions with a very young audience. The poor foreign and...