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  • If you need any help with the trails series just let me know on here or the AUKN discord.
    The sky trilogy and Crossbell duology are very much needed for CS3 and 4.
    I’m gonna get Sky for my vita at some point. So it’ll be Crossbell to read up on and I could do that on the Legend of Heroes wikia. But any help would be appreciated.
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    Reactions: Luke
    Happy to help, I'd avoid the vita sky versions because are buggy and only have the first 2 of 3 games on them.
    The PC versions Steam/GOG are the best versions and have all 3 games with out much issues.
    I can send you NG+ saves files if just want to enjoy the story or I could always link you to a let's play on youtube for the games if you want.
    That way you will be prepared for CS3 and 4.
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