BBFC refuse classification for Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid

They've let so much through since the video nasties era, I haven't seen any of the series yet but it's teens isn't it? Have the BBFC ever seen a teenager? Cutting dirty/sexual content out of practically anything doesn't stop them, the human body itself is the problem, and reading the article I can certainly see that the series is sort of simular to kill la kill, in that it has teens that seem to start to become aware of sexuality, and we even got a fancy special edition for KLK from AL, no cuts.
Again I haven't seen it so I don't know what the content they are refusing is like, but they seemed to be doing well until this came up
People have said it was quite bad at points, and borderline hentai so it seems was the age of the characters that set them off.
And yeah it seems nothing of value was lost as it reviewed poorly, but I can remember FUNi faced a bashing when people thought the OAVs weren't included (when they all did wasn’t list them on the box for some reason) so it has an audience
They've let so much through since the video nasties era, I haven't seen any of the series yet but it's teens isn't it? Have the BBFC ever seen a teenager? Cutting dirty/sexual content out of practically anything doesn't stop them, the human body itself is the problem, and reading the article I can certainly see that the series is sort of simular to kill la kill, in that it has teens that seem to start to become aware of sexuality, and we even got a fancy special edition for KLK from AL, no cuts.
Again I haven't seen it so I don't know what the content they are refusing is like, but they seemed to be doing well until this came up
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid is on a different level to Kill la Kill, whose sexual content largely consisted of skimpy outfits. For example, a Valkyrie Drive "Extar" can transform into a weapon form, but only when they are sexually aroused, which leads to multiple instances of direct sexual contact, including of characters who are confirmed on-screen to be minors.

IIRC, the show did not review especially well anywhere, so I don’t think anything of value has been lost.
Honestly, yeah.
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid is on a different level to Kill la Kill, whose sexual content largely consisted of skimpy outfits. For example, a Valkyrie Drive "Extar" can transform into a weapon form, but only when they are sexually aroused, which leads to multiple instances of direct sexual contact, including of characters who are confirmed on-screen to be minors.
Yeah I've kept reading the thread, KLK never had the same type of criticism, like you said the sexual content is a different thing, I can't help but think the BBFC has let worse through though, but I don't know if the age of the characters were an issue before, I'd say about monmasume with Papi looking young but it is pointed out pretty clearly that she's the same age as everyone else
"but I can remember FUNi faced a bashing when people thought the OAVs weren't included (when they all did wasn’t list them on the box for some reason) so it has an audience"

Considering that Maken Ki 2 came out in the US without the mini OAVs I don't blame these people for bashing Funimation (though I suspect the reason for MK2s US release not having the mini OAVs was to prevent reverse importation)
It also has been out for ages most of its fan would have imported I feel sales wouldn't be great. None of these FUNi titles we are getting from AL seem good (As this fits the AL FUNI list)
Again I haven't seen it so I don't know what the content they are refusing is like, but they seemed to be doing well until this came up
Its bad enough that I wouldn't be surprised if Episode 11 has to have a fair chunk of the content removed to get a rating. If BBFC are going to keep the character at 16 then 15:20 - 16:30 would likely be removed for protection grounds... Thats already a 1min 10 seconds cut and only one episode. If thats the case then its entirely pointless releasing it