Shana UK Release

Zen 2nd

School Idol
I didn't know this was getting released over here or else I've been living under a rock.

Was browsing PLAY and saw it listed, was a show I was interested in importing but seems it will be brought out over here and its the first I've heard of it?

Have I been blind or something for me to miss an announcement of its release over here?

I hope its the right Shana I'm talking about :?

Can anyone confirm this is the same Shana I'm think about :wink:
Yup, Shana is definitely getting a release over here! ^_^

There have been so many big announcements for the the UK market lately, that I can't keep track! I actually forgot that FLCL was getting released over here! O:
I wish MVM would take a cue from Revelation and give Shana the vol. 1 + box treatment. If they did, I'd be all over the UK release. In recent months I've become a total box whore, not least because I'm running out of shelf space and boxes can happily sit anywhere. Madman are releasing a box with one of the later volumes, so I might get that and go R2 for the rest.
You guys are in for a treat, Shana is amazing.

The US didn't get a box for the series even though Geneon usually did boxes.

At least this way there's going to be more copies of this show in the Western world out there due to Geneon's unfortunate demise and how difficult it is to grab this show now.
Elaniel said:
At least this way there's going to be more copies of this show in the Western world out there due to Geneon's unfortunate demise and how difficult it is to grab this show now.
Hell yeah, have you seen the prices of the R1 Shana discs?! I've got the first two volumes and was intending to get the rest, but after Geneon went bump the discs shot up to incredible prices - upto £70!! SEE!!
I just hope MVM keep the same episode count on the first two discs at least.
I have the region 1 DVD's, all 6 of them. I'll send you a PM now as I know where to get them at normal price. 1-5 are in stock and 6 is out currently, but they recently got it in just 3 days ago, must have sold out fast.
I was going to import this ages ago, but never bothered. I heard about this a while ago, and am glad its coming to the UK.

It won't bother me in the slightest if it doesn't come with a box and never affects which series I buy in whatever order, but its always nice to have a box option. Huzzah for the possibility of Shuffle now coming with an end box! :D (unrelated).
I hate having lack of money, especially this time of year.

Glad to see Shana finally have a definitive release date, so I'll definitely pick it up (since I'm a diehard Shana fan).
I think I'll be buying this - I was about to import but since there's a R2 edition coming up (to answer your question Zen, it's a fairly recent thing) I'll go for that instead. My TV doesn't like NTSC and Play USA's prices aren't much different from what the UK ones will be (if anything, the UK discs are cheaper!). I might as well wait until May, which isn't long, really.

Volume 1 is already listed y'all.
I didn't know about this. Good news. I'm still waiting to see what's going to happen with Geneon to see if there's a possibility of them putting out that OVA+box that they had already planned, with a different distributor.

There are rumours that it could be Rightstuf (or MediaBlasters). (very much so rumours though).