Searching for an anime movie.


Hello all.

Need to pick some brains.

I had a shed load of Manga Entertainment VHS cassettes back when I was a teenager in the mid 1990s. My memory is pretty good but I cannot for the life of me find a specific anime movie (or possibly series).

All I can remember was that is was a trailer before the live action film Gunhed & it was a girl in a blue or green swims suit beating up a load of boggle eyes aliens in a very kung-fu style.

I have gone through lots of manga & anime fan sites trying to find it but to no avail.

It is really bugging me now!!

Any ideas what is was called. Does it jog any memories?
Project A-Ko maybe? But I don't think that was released by Manga.

Possibly one of the Bubblegum series but if it's a film then probably not those :)
Just had a look on YouTube & it is not A-Ko.

I think it had 'girl' in the title. Something girl, space girl? Dunno.

Not Cobra as I am sure the girl was the main character. Just googled too & the anime style is different.
Long shot but maybe Maris The Chojo?

If you can describe the style it would help a lot.

My first guess was Blue Sonnet:


But yeah, "Maris The Wondergirl" sounds like it might fit.

Well, she is a girl and space was involved :)

I don't think many people bought the series when it came out (and I certainly don't remember it benefitting from many ads, though I didn't ever watch Gunhed). I'm pleasantly surprised it was the one!

It's just a one-shot, rather than a series as such.

I remember it not being as funny as I'd hoped it would be, but looking back at the screengrabs, the art was pretty nice and I wouldn't be adverse to re-watching it, if I can find my old VHS copy.
Yeah, I've little doubt that's one of the 'home grown' covers Manga commissioned for a few things around that time.

I'd guess they felt the official art was too cutesy, but it's interesting that they should commission a new cover painting for Maris and not the (broadly) similar looking Project A-Ko.