1st Gundam Model


Well I finished it this morning, Started working on it last night as soon as I got home and spent the night dreaming of completing it andthis morning I put the final pieces together and I have to say i am very pleased with it, OK so i am smiling and feeling very proud of myself.

Only donside is I kinda slipped with the knife and now I have 3 stitches but all good things come with some sort of price don't they.

Would like to thank MR B. for inspiring me to start back up model building and as soon as I saw this kit as The London Expo I had to build it and it was well worth it.







Reminds me of my OLD gundamn models, I loved making stuff like that back then, and probs still do, but I don't fancy having gundam models in my house :)
Dude, looks amazing 8) waiting for bigger pics to see all the details :D

Hope you heal fast, cuts come with modeling I'm afraid, not need stiches myself yet though :touch wood: :D
McIcy said:
Jayme said:
Ahsome. I want one.

Ebay, cost me £30 including P&P, imported from Japan only took 6 days and worked out about £20 cheaper than buying it in the UK

I might have to get a small one for Christmas now I think about it. :D If I do so, I'll post up the work.
Oh My God WOW!! Loving the Gundam McIcy!! Sorry to hear about the stiches but it totaly looks like it was worth it. Wish I had the time and space to do things like that.
Voddas is 'very' impressed! :D
I am now torn between building another Master Grade 1/100 like this one or going for the much larger 1/60 Perfect Grade model which is about £70 more but looks stunning
You should totaly go for the 1/60 if you can afford it. If you say it's more kickass than you one you just finished it's gonna look awsome!! Thought you might be saving for your wedding though.
Voddas said:
You should totaly go for the 1/60 if you can afford it. If you say it's more kickass than you one you just finished it's gonna look awsome!! Thought you might be saving for your wedding though.

I would but none of the designs really jump out at me, I have looked at them and would love the challenge but they all seem pretty boring to me, instead for xmas I am gonna see if my girlfriend will get me another master grade 1/100 model this time the Noir one
Good work! I'm wondering: Did you paint each part as you went or is it built straight from the box ('bare plastic' so to speak)? I can't tell from the photos...???
Yes, I know they come in pre-coloured plastic: hence I was wondering if he painted them or not. I had a kit like this years ago and airbrushed the coloured plastic a base white and then painted each part to achieve a more desirable finish.

So McIcy........... I'm still wondering?

McIcy said:
Voddas said:
You should totaly go for the 1/60 if you can afford it. If you say it's more kickass than you one you just finished it's gonna look awsome!! Thought you might be saving for your wedding though.

I would but none of the designs really jump out at me, I have looked at them and would love the challenge but they all seem pretty boring to me, instead for xmas I am gonna see if my girlfriend will get me another master grade 1/100 model this time the Noir one
That's a shame mate. I would imagine that the 1/100 look better anyway. With being smaller and all. I've never seen one of each size completed together though. Had to control myself the other day as I nearly bought one myself. Used to build models alot when I was younger, but now, I know it would end up unfinished. I barely have free time as it is. ¬_¬
McIcy said:
Buy one, they are brilliant but go with the 1/100 version as they look far better than the 1/144 ones
Don't temp me McIcy or I mite just do it. Honestly though my life is hectic at the mo. I can't start watching anime till midnite and I only get 4/5 hrs sleep before work. I suppose I could make time on..... NO... In the future maybe.... Mite actually ask my sister to get me one for christmass. That way I didn't buy it myself so I'll have to make time.
Hmmm.... good plan :D