Zombie boners

RetroRainbow said:
I knew about the hanging thing.

I read about it in some ****** fanfictar where this one guy was trying to hang himself, and this girl was all, 'wink wink nudge nudge'.

Just what are you watching young lady? eh? eh?
skikes said:
and d? what is d for?

this is so informative!! :D

Hamster humping....once went round my friends and saw the scary sight. had to do a double take for what was happening to set in lol
funny as hell tho :p
RetroRainbow said:
Tachi- said:
RetroRainbow said:
I knew about the hanging thing.

I read about it in some ****** fanfictar where this one guy was trying to hang himself, and this girl was all, 'wink wink nudge nudge'.

Just what are you watching young lady? eh? eh?

fanfiction.net; the scourge of the interwebs.

Kurogane; moar like /b/, amirite?

No, /b/ is for virgins and 46 year old men who still **** their pants with laughter at Pokeslow pictures.

If only there were 50 of myself to occupy the bland space this forum creates.