Zack and Miri Make a Porno


Zack and Miri Make A Porno - October release date

Director Kevin Smith's latest film has finally finished shooting and is now in Post Production, so it is well on course for its Halloween Release.


I'm F'ing Seth Rogan - promo song/video put together whilst filming Zack and Miri


Lifelong platonic friends Zack (Rogen) and Miri (Banks) look to solve their respective cashflow problems by making an adult film together. As the cameras roll, however, the duo begin to sense that they may have more feelings for each other than they previously thought.

The Weinstein Company greenlit the project based solely on the title. (Showing just how much faith they have in Kevin Smith as he has NEVER lost any money on a film he has made).


Seth Rogen - (the part of Zack was written specifically for him) starred in Knocked Up, Super Bad and The 40 Year Old Virgin

Elizabeth Banks - (2nd choice as Rosario Dawson was unable to work on the project) has been in Spiderman 3, Scrubs and The 40 Year Old Virgin

Jason Mewes - (he had to be in it really) has been in nearly all of Kevin Smiths films
chaos said:
get dragged or drag people to see it?!?!? :D LOL
Get dragged. The part was written for someone who starred in Knocked Up, Super Bad and The 40 Year Old Virgin. What could be worse? I assure you i'll be dragged kicking, screaming and pleading for mercy.
Zack and Miri are two lifelong friends who are so deep in debt that they decide to enlist the help of their friends to make a porno movie for some quick cash. But as everybody starts “doingâ€
MechAnnoyed said:
All Kevin Smith films, post Clerks, have really disappointed me. Anyone for Mallrats?

Don't wanna get snotty but Clerks is his first film, so you must be disappointed with all his films. And Mallrats is post clerks (but still an awesome film)