You're Under Arrest will go out-of-print on January 2012.

HdE said:
Sadly, I do believe you're right. There's a number of factors that I can see would conspire against such a thing happening. But I can dream, can't I?

I guess that - just maybe - a lot comes down to my old adage 'If you want it, ask for it.' I know that, certainly for myself, if some enterprising company were to put out keenly priced box sets of shows like 'You're Under Arrest', 'Space Adventure Cobra' and maybe even - GASP! 'Space Battleship Yamato', I'd be all over that like a rash. BUT, as you say, newer, shinier, sexier seems to be where the money's at.

Dammit all, I really wish anime was selling more than it currently is. :?
yeah i think the fanbase is really big and healthy in the west at the moment but i think with the explosion of online services alot of people just dont want to buy an actual product anymore and same goes for movies and music even video games,everything is there at the click of a mosue,ah i dont know it all leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth,i for one never watch anime online only download shows and put them on dvd-r and even then it is older shows,i still buy domestic dvds and i still buy cd,s and vinyl of my fave artists and bands,maybe i,m just a old fart lol but if people dont support the industry and money does not get pumped back into it there is little chance of good shows especially the old classics will ever be licensed,nothing in life is for free but thats the way its going but if it keeps on going this way it will all self-destruct and we will be left with nothing.
Doraemon666 said:
There is always that old saying that old anime does not sell,yeah in a commercial point of view that is true and i dont think the U.K. market is big enough to warrent older shows even though the U.K. market is pretty healthy at the moment but thats due to the fact the bigger newer shows are where all the money is,sad fact is that it is all about the money,i,m the total opposite i dont really pay attention to modern anime so the more old classic shows the better,Your Under Arrest has a big fanbase but i dont think any on the U.K. companies would take the risk.
UK market is not healthy. If it was FMA:B BDs wouldn't have been canceled.

We don't get many of the big shows, they're mostly relased by S23 or Aniplex USA (NB not often distroed by them) in the USA who have no proper UK distros (and release mostly sub-only). FUNi get the odd popular show, but most of their lineup is actuly realy obscure. Most of their bigger shows are licence rescues of ADV or Geneon, which they don't have UK rights for.

I'm pissed off with the UK market as new stuff doesn't make it and we get all this total crap just because it was relased by FUNi/Viz.
Any old anime I want is OOP and was never released in the UK, any new stuff I want is mostly sub-only or has massive errors with the relase that are enough to put me off importing, e.g. Angel Beats, K-on!
Reaper gI said:
Doraemon666 said:
There is always that old saying that old anime does not sell,yeah in a commercial point of view that is true and i dont think the U.K. market is big enough to warrent older shows even though the U.K. market is pretty healthy at the moment but thats due to the fact the bigger newer shows are where all the money is,sad fact is that it is all about the money,i,m the total opposite i dont really pay attention to modern anime so the more old classic shows the better,Your Under Arrest has a big fanbase but i dont think any on the U.K. companies would take the risk.
UK market is not healthy. If it was FMA:B BDs wouldn't have been canceled.

We don't get many of the big shows, they're mostly relased by S23 or Aniplex USA (NB not often distroed by them) in the USA who have no proper UK distros (and release mostly sub-only). FUNi get the odd popular show, but most of their lineup is actuly realy obscure. Most of their bigger shows are licence rescues of ADV or Geneon, which they don't have UK rights for.

I'm pissed off with the UK market as new stuff doesn't make it and we get all this total crap just because it was relased by FUNi/Viz.
Any old anime I want is OOP and was never released in the UK, any new stuff I want is mostly sub-only or has massive errors with the relase that are enough to put me off importing, e.g. Angel Beats, K-on!
yeah and the subtitle problems that plagued Durarara and FMA Brotherhood does not help matters for the U.K. market,we get good shows like that but are still forced to import them,drives me up the wall sometime how companies could be so stupid.