Yethboth's Top 10 anime films that Hollywood should make


Brigade Leader
Here is my top 10 anime films that I think Hollywood should make into Live Action Films:

1. Wind Named Amnesia
2. Goshogun: The Time Etranger
3. Battle Angel Alita
4. Patlabor 2
5. MD Geist
6. Jin Roh - The Wolf Brigade
7. Golgo 13 The Professional
8. Judge
9. Venus Wars
10. Monster City
I kinda have to disagree with that dude, sorry its not that these films don't deserve to become films, they really do but NOT by Hollywood, they would bastardise the story put in main stream actors add too many special effects and corrupt these series into something for the mainstream audiences to eat up and pay vast amounts of money to see and buy attached merchandise.

So yes to films but NO to hollywood having to do anything with it
I personally think out of my top 10, Wind Named Amnesia MUST BE MADE into a live action film, it has so much potential in being made into a great live action film with the right director and actors to do the job well. :D
Theres been 2 live action Golgo 13 movies with Sonny Chiba as Golgo in the sequel, from the 70's. No idea if they are any good but Chiba is awesomeness so probably worth checking out.
I have never seen a single one of the films in the Op's list, and I've actually only heard of about half of them.

And of course, Hollywood should 'keep their filthy hands off of Anime' etc. Movies aren't like Games, there shouldn't BE remakes, it's a useless process.
yethboth said:
Here is my top 10 anime films that I think Hollywood should make into Live Action Films:

1. Wind Named Amnesia
2. Goshogun: The Time Etranger
3. Battle Angel Alita
4. Patlabor 2
5. MD Geist
6. Jin Roh - The Wolf Brigade
7. Golgo 13 The Professional
8. Judge
9. Venus Wars
10. Monster City

Some old school stuff here! I'm kinda half and half about that list. Wind Named Amnesia was a cool film and would make an interesting live action I think. As I think Monster City would (gotta love Kawajiri's films!).

Golgo and Jin Roh are near enough live action stuff as they are I think.

And, please don't take offence but Judge was the worst anime I've ever seen >_< really regret buying that dvd and wasn't Goshogun: The Time Etranger an OVA of a long series or something? I remember seeing it on Sci Fi ages ago and being a little confused o_O
Lupus Inu said:
I think Battle Angel Alita would be done well by James Cameron, personally.

I haven't really heard about him much since Titanic. He's sort of off the radar. In my mind there are Hollywood directors who could make good films from anime, so long as it's not Michael Bay or Jerry Bruckheimer (shudder).

All the same I'd rather they didn't even try to be honest. Theres nothing wrong with anime in it's current form, so why remake it?