WTFDM's: In the Making!


Seriously I should just have a damn TV show that just has me all day telling about how much and what exactly sucks in this world, movie reviews of movies I hate and some I love, music videos of me playing live and FINALLY me creating artwork! Well since my pens ran out last night and I've gotta run into town later I'm gonna give you a glimpse into the creation process of a piece of artwork created by ME! WTFDM aka Sy.

Our journey starts at around 7pm last night. A tired weary me has just returned from a quick drinkie after college ready to slump down and watch some martial arts. Sadly when I started watching the movie all the people were being to damn energetic for me to cope with and I was constantly thinking 'man, do they have to fight so much, they should just go to sleep or something'. Anyway I gave up with that and sat around thinking WHAT TO DO??

7:45 PM ...probably

So what I did next was do some doodles on a notepad I carry around(It makes me feel important). I remembered I said I'd do some artwork for a friend based around his characters so I drew a crude layout. Very crude in fact...
7:46 PM

The next step was to find some paper and after rampent searching around I did indeed find some in the attic. An A1 sketchbook. Now if you dunno how big A1 is then i'll help you understand. Take a normal A4 piece of paper from your printer. Put another piece next to the first and that's A3, then double that and you have A2 and double that and there you have it A1. Now I was kinda put off because me with my tiny little felt tip pen here doesn't like that kinda blank space. But still I continued! I layered out the rough pencil sketch (which some tart has gone and deleted off the camera so we'll skip that) of the girl. Then having got bored of roughing it out I decided to leave the rest and dive straight into inking the girl! A stupid move but it paid off!
8:20 PM

After much feeling good about myself I called a couple of people to brag about my sad little drawing that I was so very proud of but alas no one was answering (I know they were playing the bloody Wii!!). I felt no need to continue with it because it looked so bloody amazing at that particular point in time so I went to make my dinner.

8:40 PM

After having finished my dinner and leaving the pots and other things in the sink to soak for the rest of my lifespan I returned to my picture to admire it once again! Shock horror! I didn't like it anymore! It was off centre and so very very plain. After crying several rivers of tears I decided to continue with my original plan. I roughed out some more tubes and stuff and the little alien guy hanging from the ceiling (giving him an awesome helmet in the process). I then got bored a second time and began to ink a second time. This time it took a whole lot longer than before.

10:30 PM or something

Three epsiodes of Porridge later a crisis struck. The pen I was using began to run out. Using it's remaining life (by moistening the end) I finished some shading. My hopes of finishing this in one night were destroyed by poor planning of a spontanious event. The night ended with the attatched result.

To Be Continued?

Well I chuffing hope so. That's a lot of pointless work put into that so I shall be off to town to get approximately 32 items of the same pen I was using last night.
Hmmmm well I have to admit I'd be hooked, but thats mainly cause my job is boring and on weekdays I can't watch anime or read manga.

Reading it is so calming though, it makes me think, god I'm glad I don't have worries like his
Dave (...if that -is- your REAL NAME), that drawing is absolutely awesome. To get it right like that, first tiem around and on such a big scale is amazing. :D
Friday 5:45 PM

Got back from town with two new shiney pens (I was gonna get loads but they were 50p each and i'm a tight git in that manner) and seated my rear to finish of the inking. Nope! Got hungry then had a pizza while watching Columbo.

Friday 6:50 PM

Columbo yet again gets the bad guy (in this case it was Spock with the crowbar in the parking lot) and I prepare myself to continue with the artistic matter at hand... when all of a sudden my gut starts rumbling again so I goes down to make something else to eat.

Friday 7:15 PM or something

Yeah! I started it again and the shading is pretty much done. Never drawn anything in this style before so this was kinda a test run. Therefore I'm not really that happy with how it's turning out. Then again i'm never happy with anything I draw after i've drawn it. :)

Behold the finished/near finished inking (blurry photo, my apology).

Still To Be Continued...
And now for gardeners question time.

Ryo Chan: I already have a blog. It's great except no one gave a crap about what I had to say. :p

adamcube: I was damn lucky I got it this close to right on the first pop. I hate using a pen because it's hard to cover up your screw ups. Thankfully there's only been little ones with this. Oh and my real name is Sy.

Now the next part is the hard part. Scanning the thing on an A4 scanner so I can whizz in the colour on photoshop. Just gotta wait til the ink dries so I can do away with the pencil lines.
Dead on 00:00

And here we are finally at the last stage of the process. The end result. The bloody thing has been scanned, traced and crudely coloured to decent effect and tomorrow it shall be printed off on poster paper to frame on my wall. I do hopes you enjoyed the glimpse into my art making process.... though somehow I doubt it. Anyway marvel in wonder at the end product.

I present to you lot...

Cosa Azul: The Thirteen Gliding Principles By Sy aka WTFDM?