Worms 4 mathem on the PS2


Stand User
does anyone else have this game, its the best worms game ever, the weapons are great i love the fatkins strike where you airstrike an explosive fat boy across the field funny as hell lol.

plus you can give your worms their own team uniform i have general caps with techno glasses and punk gloves lol
my groups name simple
and their secret weapon is the cheese bomb lol its air strike but with cheese lol
it is really good i see that i have spelled mayhem wrong but hey the t and y key are close together i should spellcheck my work lol
good game, general uniform is Boggy the kid hat and brown cowboy gloves. my weapon is called the ark260, very strong against worms, adn ok against land.
Brilliant game. Story mode is also way better than the others. I have the scottish hat, Neo glasses, black cowboy gloves and the outlaw which has max worm damage.
Yeh customising the worms is good. Sadly weapon editer was a bit disapointing.. You can't make weapons like the shotgun or sniper.. only explosives.