World Trigger given a second series

Ian Wolf

AUKN Staff
<em>Shonen Jump</em>'s sci-fi anime World Trigger is to be given a second series, which will feature an original plot not in the manga.

At the "<em>World Trigger</em> Summer Festival 2015" it was revealed that the new series has been entitled Fugitives from Another World, and will include features and characters not found in the manga by Daisuke Ashihara. No other information has been revealed, with even the voice actors unaware of the new details.

The series is set in Mikado City, which is under attack from beings from another world called "Neighbours". It revolves around a group called "Border" who try to fight against the attacks, with the two main characters being Osamu Mikumo, a guy with no natural talent at stopping the enemy, and Yuma Kuga, a friendly Neighbour.

The anime, currently made by Toei Animation, began last October and was scheduled to last 50 episodes. Currently streaming on Crunchyroll, the anime adaptation of the manga has come under fire from many reviewers for the poor quality of the animation.

News source

Anime UK News review of original series
I hope the animation for the new series is better than the first, because I really like the original manga but the anime has been a problem.
Must be doing fairly well in Japan then, because Toei's recent behaviour suggests it's struggling internationally.

Dare I be so bold as to suggest making it premium members only in parts of the world did it absolutely no favours?
Even though it's done really badly critically, I think it's actually performs ok in terms of popularity - it always seemed to be near the top on Crunchyroll.

That said, I'm still amazed they gave a show in this day and age 50 eps off the bat. Perhaps that's why the quality suffered so badly?

Compare to the 12 and 12, split cour eps of Seraph which was arguably more popular in manga form too.
Lutga said:
Even though it's done really badly critically, I think it's actually performs ok in terms of popularity - it always seemed to be near the top on Crunchyroll.

That said, I'm still amazed they gave a show in this day and age 50 eps off the bat. Perhaps that's why the quality suffered so badly?

Compare to the 12 and 12, split cour eps of Seraph which was arguably more popular in manga form too.

Everything I've heard seems to suggest that actually the animation's a bit ropey, and Toei don't seem to have the resources to pull it off, but the show itself (from a writing and pacing standpoint) is quite good.

I saw the first 10 minutes or so, when it first came out, it just made me laugh that for some reason parts of the lead character's glasses keep disappearing.
This seemed like the most medium of mediums from the couple of episodes I saw, but like Lutga says it's maybe not 100% surprising from anecdotal evidence of its popularity.