Witch Hunter Robin Question


I have a question for those who've seen WHR. Is it ever explained what relation Robin has the woman she's living with? It just seems that in the second episode she's suddenly living with her with no explanation.

Many thanks
Ark said:
I have a question for those who've seen WHR. Is it ever explained what relation Robin has the woman she's living with? It just seems that in the second episode she's suddenly living with her with no explanation.

Many thanks

Have you completed the series? If not, it may explain later on.

I don't mind digging the DVDs out and taking a peek at what you're on about though. (It's been a while since I watched this one).

If you've not finished yet- then make sure you stick with it. It's probably my favorite anime ever second only to GitS.
Years since I watched WHR (great show, I agree) but from what I can recall isn't it as simple as she has transferred to their department, and so needed somewhere to live and ended up rooming with her? I think who her room-mate "is" is explained later, so I won't mention it.
I thought the series started ok but never ended properly. But it explains a bit about the landlord (i think, been a few years).
Thanks for the response.

A couple of other questions though.

In the ep where Robin's apartment gets attacked earlier she and Amon were in a warehouse and she see's those runes appear on the floor. What was that for because it didn't block her powers like the one in the apartment.

Also what was it that Amon did wrong that lead the room-mate to get shot. At the end of the ep the boss dude is beating him because he said he disobeyed him.

Many thanks