who's watch dirty sanchez


i like dirty sanchez its really funny but

a mouth and ago i was at birmingham in the bullring next to the jelly beans having a look at the flavours and then at the corner of my eye there was a dude with a camera recording a other dude buying some jelly beans and i had a good look at them and to my Surprise it was pritch and dainton i was like (what the hell in amazement and excitement ) anyway date was filming pritch buying some jelly beans and and the jelly bean machine fell off and pritch caught it and put it back on and i saw them buy some more sweets and they left.
Someone doesn't like Jersey Shore...

The 2003 thing still usually gets counted in the nineties, like The X-Files or something. So fair enough.
ColoursOfSakura said:
I used to love Dirty Sanchez, but I haven't seen it in a while... that's also a very random story xD
its a true story
and yes i like dirty sanchez too its so funny
to bad panchos not in it anymore
i love it when pritch freaks out over spiders i break down crying of laughter