Who wants some February fan service?


Ghost of Animes
A new month, a new edition of Ross Taylor's Oishii Furesshu Fansub Reviews. This month (suitably titled ‘February Fan service’) looks a three, 'ample sized' anime series currently doing the rounds on the fansub circuit. Grenadier, Ultimate Girls and Sunabouzu are all featured and you can read what Ross though of them right here.
I heard Ultimate Girl is a little freaky. Even as a female I don't mind the odd fan service anime (although I still say thats a pretty naff name for it!).
I also reckon that someone out there should make more fan service for girls type anime, I've noticed a distinct lack of bishounen guys in anime lately (Tactics and Haruka 8 being all I've seen so far).
As far as I know, bishounen anime feature 'pretty' men, often with homosexual undertones. I maybe wrong, but that's always what I assumed it to be. I'm sure Miaka-chan has a detailed response ready in waiting ;)

Generally, I dislike fan service anime. I have never and don't plan on checking out these shows, but it's nice to get a difference of opinion on the site every now and then.
i don't mind a bit of fan service as long as it doesn't get in the way of the main plotline. however, the concept of a show selling itself purely on fan service is a bit...weak. but that's just my opinion.
Concrete badger said:
i don't mind a bit of fan service as long as it doesn't get in the way of the main plotline. however, the concept of a show selling itself purely on fan service is a bit...weak. but that's just my opinion.

Totally agree here. Its okay now and again. Interesting though. Culture thing and all that. :)
To clarify, Grenadier is a decent enough series in it's own right to watch as long as you don't mind a bit of fan service. Sunabouzu fetishes guns more than women, and there's not a great deal of fan service in it, it's much more of an action comedy.
Ultimate Girls however, based on watching more episodes, seems to try and get by on fan service alone, with few other jokes to prop up the episodes - not very good. I think that's one you'd want to steer clear of, Paul and CB. I may do a recap review further down the line to see how Ultimate Girls shapes up, not looking good so far.
Paul said:
As far as I know, bishounen anime feature 'pretty' men, often with homosexual undertones. I maybe wrong, but that's always what I assumed it to be. I'm sure Miaka-chan has a detailed response ready in waiting ;)

That's pretty much it :D
The gay side of bishounen is referred to as Yaoi and you really need to add the word "sexy" to get the true definition. Mostly bishounen refers to a very sexy and ultra good looking male character and I'm a sucker for both these types of anime and manga :lol:

(As a note bishoujo refers to sexy women, usually with big breasts and scantily clad :lol: ).